
What I’ve been up to… 2/2018

Last Updated on 22/08/2022 by kami

Time for another quarterly update! These past 3 months and especially last weeks, have been challenging. After a pretty good April the life has slapped me in the face at the end of May. But I took it all with the humbleness, after all life is not only rainbows, unicorns and sunny places!


But let’s talk travel first!

I started April with the trip to Ukraine. Together with Paulina, my good travel companion who shares my passion for weird places, we visited Kyiv, Dnipro and Kharkiv. And we had so much fun!

Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine

We’ve seen so many concrete buildings we can’t really count them, ate too many cheesecakes and had so much fun! We even were investigated by the police who interrupted our mission to see every single metro station in Kharkiv (only 3 were left!).

Dnipro, Ukraine

Dnipro, Ukraine

Dnipro, Ukraine

Kyiv is always a good idea, Dnipro was this kind of place that the majority of people would hate yet I found it pretty cool and Kharkiv was surprisingly awesome and I want to return there so badly! Ukraine really is one of my favorite countries to visit and I’m so looking forward to more trips there!

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Kharkiv, Ukraine

2 days after returning from Ukraine I went to another Polish travel bloggers summit in Cieszyn. It was 6th edition I think and I, as one of the founders of this event, couldn’t be any more proud! Just like Kyiv, Cieszyn is always a good idea and with such a great company it was a wonderful weekend full of great conversations, so many laughs and not enough sleep!

Shortly after I went to Yerevan – one of my favorite cities ever. I don’t even know anymore how many times I’ve been there before but this one was special for two reasons.

I took my mum with me and after hearing my stories about Armenia it was her dream to go there too. We happened to visit Yerevan during a very special time: not only it was another anniversary of the Armenian genocide but also the peaceful revolution was taking over the country and we could witness the first victory of it. Such a special and unforgettable time!

Yerevan, Armenia

Lake Sevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia

I came home only to repack and again 2 days later I was out for another trip, this time to a completely new country for me! I’ve finally visited Russia! It has been on my mind for years but all the hassle with the visa (that turned out to be pricey but straightforward eventually) kept me away. Well, better late than never!

I enjoyed my time there so very much and even if I’ve visited only three cities: Moscow, Kazan and St. Petersburg I could get a small glimpse into Russia. And now I want to see more of it, hopefully soon! The highlights of the trip, besides seeing all these amazing places, were my ability to communicate in my (very poor but still understandable) Russian and seeing 30 seconds to Mars playing life in Moscow!

Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia

Kazan, Russia

After Russia I had some other trips planned, including another new destination for me – Azerbaijan, but life happened. I only went for 3 days to Italy for work this past week but as it was really interesting and with great company I had a blast. I might adore Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans but I gladly go to Italy whenever I can. I mean, who doesn’t love the Italian food?

This time I returned to Bologna and Modena and besides the work meetings I had time to do a big of sightseeing and climb 498 stairs to the tower in Bologna – at least the view was spectacular so it was worth it!

Bologna, Italy

Bologna, Italy

Modena, Italy

Modena, Italy

Next three months don’t look very intense travel-wise but also there’re some epic plans, like trying to visit Azerbaijan after all (my visa is still valid so it would be crazy to miss this chance!) or going to 3 Balkan countries (and Hungary) in 3 days. I’m also hoping to finally do some weekend trips around Poland as this country is the best in the summer time! We will see, I’m not planning all that much this time and just waiting what happens!


Life has been ok more or less. The big slap in the face was my dad’s heart attack. To make everything even more fun it was just a day before my mum’s 60th birthday. Things looked really bad, he was unconscious and at ICU for few days but now he’s back at home and slowly recovering. It was a really stressful situation and a tough time for us but let’s hope things will be only improving from now on.

That’s why I didn’t go to Azerbaijan and Istanbul, that’s why I’ve decided to cancel few more trips. Travelling is important to me but not the most important. Family always comes first!

Other than that work is crazy busy and a bit frustrating, Poland sucked at football World Championships and meeting friends is fun as always. I went to some good concerts (like Marilyn Manson and Stone Sour), read some good books and wasted way too much time on Netflix. Just your average everyday life things.

Kazan, Russia


Finally, after weeks of not feeling inspired at all I’m back at writing and blogging and I enjoy it so much! I’ve started so many blog posts that there should be regular updates here in next weeks! In the meantime I published following posts:

I’m also back on Instagram on regular basis and I enjoy it surprisingly much! I try to post pictures daily so be sure to follow me there too!

But the funniest part was when I got the best hate email the other day. It wasn’t the first one I’ve ever got but definitely the best one, like from the book “how to write hate emails”. There were remarks about my look, my nationality and origin and the person writing trying to prove she is better than me because of her hometown only. On top of that there were so many elaborate insults involved I had to check the dictionary as I’ve seen some of them for the first time.

I’m glad I really don’t care about messages like that as it was all so mean it could really hurt someone sensitive. And I was just laughing, finding it all fascinating that a complete stranger spent so much time writing all these awful things to some random person from the internet!

Anyway, let’s hope this summer will be good for all of us! Happy and safe travels!

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    01/07/2018 at 22:21

    Well, after a hate email, a love comment ;) I just want to let you know I really appreciate your blog. I went to Ukraine last year and your articles really helped for the preparation phase. So, thank you for all your work :) (and I hope things get better for your father)

    • Reply
      09/07/2018 at 18:46

      Thank you for the lovely comment and good wishes, it means so much to me, really! I’m so glad I could virtually help you with your trip to Ukraine! If you ever have any questions about other destinations or Ukraine again feel free to message me!

  • Reply
    Harris Johnson
    02/07/2018 at 15:04

    Keep it up, Mark Twain, an USA author. said it best: ” Travel is fatal to bigotry, prejudice and narrow mindedness…..” Those who know are your faithful followers know this and love revisiting places by following your adventures. Safe journeys. Harris Johnson

    • Reply
      09/07/2018 at 18:47

      Thank you so much!! Happy travels!

  • Reply
    joanne young
    18/07/2018 at 21:01

    very sorry to hear about your dad and hope the road to recovery is a swift one. I adore your blog, I too like Eastern Europe and also just visited Ukraine and fell in love with it. Your are such an interesting blogger and i love your photos…. keep travelling and ignore the haters.

    • Reply
      11/08/2018 at 12:49

      Thank you for your kind words Joanne, that really means a lot to me! Happy travels!

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