Work with me

Travel blogging industry is getting bigger and more influential with each day. According to surveys 80% of people choose independent travel – out of them 50% looks for travel inspiration on travel blogs. Bloggers are considered a reliable source of up to date information and are valued for the real life experience.

About the blog

Kami and the rest of the world is a blog founded by Kamila Napora in summer 2012. This Polish woman has over 20 years of experience in independent, budget, solo travel both to popular destinations and off the beaten path places. She wants to encourage others to travel the world too and outline that solo travel isn’t as scary as everyone thinks. Kamila also tries to show that it is possible to balance the full time job and the urge to discover the world. As the Polish citizen she specializes especially in Central and Eastern Europe but her interests cover the whole world, she’s already visited over 80 countries on 5 continents!

She’s an avid enthusiast of city breaks as this is the best way to travel a lot when working full time. Her travels usually focus on culture and history, also the difficult one, as well as street art, alternative spots and good cafe scene. These topics are very much present in her writing.

Kami and the rest of the world is a well estblished blog that rapidly gained popularity and loyal group of readers. They follow Kami’s journey to various destinations, support her adventures and interact with her on social media channels. Kami is also a founder of the popular and active Facebook group “Travel to Eastern Europe, the Balkans and former USSR” where she shares her knowledge and the experience in the region with fans and fellow travel enthusiasts.

Kami and the rest of the world was named one of the top 25 travel blogs by Viator, it was also featured in National Geographic Intelligent Travel section as well as in numerous worldwide outlets. These days this is one of the biggest English written travel blogs focusing on Central and Eastern Europe and especially its off the path destinations.

The survey conducted in July 2017 gave a more detailed insight to the readers, the frequency of their visits and their interests. You can read the results here.

Kamila is also a founder of the Polish travel bloggers’ summit that takes place each year in Cieszyn, Poland!


Some statistics (10th February 2025):

Monthly Pageviews: 106.000+
Monthly Unique Visitors: 65.000+
Top countries: USA, Poland, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany
Readers: 45% 25-34 years old, 56% female
Facebook Page Followers: 11.055
Instagram: 10.984
Pinterest Followers: 4.9k
Pinterest Reach: 112k
Newletter subsribers: 2.100+
Domain Authority: 45

Google Analytics, January 2025



Kamila is available for press trips, partnerships, reviews, sponsorships. She can introduce your brand to her readers and followers before, during and after the experience through blog and social channels and you can be sure people who are truly interested in travelling will get to know about it. Working with Kamila guarantees a professional and truthful review according to her experience with your product or brand. The partnerships might include accommodations, tours, activities, transportations, food experience, gears, books and anything else travel-related as long as it’s interesting and valuable for her readers.

I’m not offering sponsored guest posts/link placements – if you contact me about those your email won’t be answered.

Some of the past partnerships:

Feedback from past collaborations and from readers

Cooperation with Kami has been smooth and professional. She enjoyed the itinerary in our city that we put together and it really shines through in her post. She didn’t forget to mention any partner and covered all sights and attractions in detail. We were pleased with her photography and received great feedback on the work she’s done. Kami also served us as a great link to other Polish travel bloggers, which is an invaluable asset. We can recommend working with Kami to any brand.

Pavlína Sacherová, Liberec Tourist Info Center’s Manager

Love the blog!! It has definitely opened up so many options of travel that I never would have thought about before.


Working with Kamila is always a pleasure. She’s one of those “low maintenance / high – results” bloggers.
Her articles are well researched (she consults internet & books as well as she seeks local knowledge).
It sets her in a high contrast with a “selfie here and there” influencers who points out five main attractions in the city that everyone knows already.
She does a proper journalist/writers work in a sense. She has the preparation of Lonely Planet editors and a knack for writing articles which you will find exciting to read.
Kamila is well aware of her niche audience which looks for alternative destinations and experiences and doesn’t mind to occasionally dive into more complex stories from the history of places & communities.
We cooperated on miniguides for Holesovice neighbourhood in Prague and the city of Olomouc, both in the Czech Republic.
Articles include information about transportation, spots for eating, shopping, sightseeing, relaxing and sleeping and more. Our hostels and hotels came out as a natural choice for the traveller.
Kamila has her angle and values which are transformed not only in her writing but also into the choice of her partnerships.
She would not recommend another generic tour or hotel experience, but if you have something interesting to offer, deliver your customer service in high quality and care about social responsibility, the chances are that you can get a shout out. That’s important for us because we want to be in that company, as well as for her readers who can trust the recommendations.
Her audience is highly relevant to us and texts which are complemented by high-quality photos are highly suitable for the readers. You can see that on the number of comments and engagement both directly in the comments section of the website and social media.
Her job is not done when the article is published. She patiently replies to all the questions that her readers have, and usually, there are many.
All that combined lead to a high ranking of Kamila’s articles on Google which secure constant traffic to our websites which are to a certain extent transformed to direct bookings.
Long story short, Kamila sets an example for others in the industry, and I can only recommend working with her.

Ondrej Janku, Sales & Marketing Manager Bohemian Hostels & Hotels

have just started reading your posts and absolutely love hearing about your life! You are honest and forthright and call it as it is is! What you see is what “we” get! So inspirational. You energise me!


The cooperation with Kamila was very professional, uncomplicated, trusting and was great fun. With her we found an influencer who has discovered Hannover in her own way and conveys her impressions authentically. Her articles are valuable content for us to make Hannover even better known in the Polish market.

Ricarda Scholtyssek, Hannover Tourismus

Love your posts and humour! Thanks for the inspiration ;-)


Kami is, without a doubt, one of my favorite travel bloggers out there. Her passion for travel is always authentic and her readers can feel it. Her ability to promote a destination through words and photos is so anomalous from others in the industry that it leaves all readers curious and anxious of where she may end up next. She has provided me with travel advice on numerous occasions and I definitely think of her as an accomplished expert in the field of travel. Kami’s ability to connect with readers and inspire them is what truly sets her apart from the rest.

Megan Starr,

I’ve been following since it’s early days as a blog and over the time I’ve watched it grow into one of my favourite travel sites. I love Kami’s take on the more obscure destinations in Europe, especially her posts on her home country of Poland and the surrounding regions. She’s very interactive with her readers, making it more than a blog, but a community.

Jennifer, a reader

Get in touch!

Interested in working together? Message me at and we can discuss the details!


  • Reply
    Rob Weiner
    02/07/2024 at 01:57

    Dear Kami — As old folk who have traveled almost as extensively as you (and lived abroad for years), we’ve found your travel blog delightful, informative, and very impressive. You are a keen observer and show the open-mindedness of the best travelers. Thank you for your insights.
    Rob and Susan, California

    • Reply
      03/07/2024 at 17:58

      Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate it! All the best!

  • Reply
    Irwin L. Davis
    30/11/2024 at 14:43

    Kami: We need your expertise and advice on how/where to travel from Budapest where
    We will be ending a Danube River cruise. Planning on 7-10 days. We will end up in Paris. Don’t want just big cities but also quaint villages and countryside.
    Look forward. To hearing from you.

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