It’s time for my favorite post on this blog – a recap of the past twelve months. I can’t complain; 2024 was a fine year for me. There were no major…
This is probably my favorite post to write here, on the blog. The end of December is a good time to sit down and reflect on the past twelve months and…
Another decent year for me is over and even if it wasn’t a spectacular one I still can’t complain. I traveled a bit (only in my favorite regions though), this blog…
Another year has passed and I can’t say I’m sad to say goodbye to 2021. It wasn’t a bad year but it wasn’t my favorite one either. Still, there were some…
2020 was not what I or everyone else expected. But when I look back at the past 12 months it wasn’t such a bad year after all. Sure, the big part…
The time is passing by way too quickly. I remember very well how exactly a year ago I was enjoying the first days of my trip to Egypt, falling for Cairo…
I have a déjà vu feeling. Exactly 7 years ago I was sitting in the same room at my parents’ place and out of the blue, I had the idea to…
When I sent pictures of abandoned hotels in Kupari, Croatia to one of my good friends (who happens to be my boss too) he asked me why I keep exploring abandoned…
2018 is almost over and before I go for my last trip of the year (to a completely new country for me – Egypt!) it’s time to wrap up past 12…
This year, more than ever, I’ve heard how inspiring I am and how refreshing it is to hear that yes, it is possible to work full time and travel a lot…