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  • Estonia

    Random facts about Estonia

    My latest trip to Estonia made me realize how little I know about this country and how interesting yet not well known it is. Then, after reading your comments and messages,…

  • Estonia

    Alternative Tallinn

    Even if I loved the Old Town in Tallinn big time I kind of felt that there’s more in the Estonian capital than just the beautiful medieval houses and churches. And…

  • Estonia

    Tallinn Old Town in pictures

    Even if my plane landed in Tallinn I left the city right away to visit other cities in Estonia first. But after spending some quality time in Tartu and Parnu it…

  • Estonia

    Breathtaking autumn in Estonia

    I’ve mentioned couple of times in here or on Facebook how much I enjoy travelling in autumn. There are couple of reason for that but one of the most important is…

  • Estonia

    Cafe culture in Estonia

    One of the things I definitely didn’t expect to see on such a big scale in the small, Baltic country is the overwhelming number of cafes in Estonia. Of course my impressions come only…

  • Estonia

    Tartu street art

    For whatever reason I didn’t expect Tartu street art to be any good (of course random graffitti can be found in each place but that’s not what I’m talking about). But when…

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