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  • Kazan, Russia

    What I’ve been up to… 2/2018

    Time for another quarterly update! These past 3 months and especially last weeks, have been challenging. After a pretty good April the life has slapped me in the face at the…

  • personal

    What I’ve been up to… 1/2018

    The first quarter of 2018 is officially gone and I think it’s time for another update of what I’ve been up to. I tried to keep these updates to monthly basis…

  • work and travel

    2017 summary

    The summary of the passing year is always among my favorite posts to write (although I’m sure it’s interesting to me only). This time, however, I feel more apathetic and this…

  • Hooker Valley, New Zealand

    A look back at October 2017

    I was writing the last month’s recap post from Starbucks in Budapest, this one comes to you from Starbucks in Kuala Lumpur airport. Will it be my new pattern, writing from…

  • Belgrade, Serbia

    A look back at September 2017

    I’m writing this month’s recap from Starbucks in Budapest, Hungary (I was trying to find a different place but failed; it seems like this city is full of people who spend…

  • personal

    A look back at summer 2017

    These last few days, when I hear the rain drops falling on my window sill or when I look outside to see a gloomy day, I can’t believe we’ve just had…

  • personal

    5 years of blogging survey

    Later this month I’m going to celebrate 5 years of blogging! I really have no idea when this time has passed! I remember very well my first trip to Armenia in…

  • Olomouc Czech Republic

    A look back at June 2017

    It seems to me that June lasted at least twice as long as it should have. I feel like so many things have happened in this past month that it’s impossible…

  • Bug in Fronołów

    A look back at May 2017

    I’ve decided to give a try to a new series of post with a small recap of last month. It’s actually good to sit down and reflect at the days passed…

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