Last Updated on 10/04/2021 by kami
Later this month I’m going to celebrate 5 years of blogging!
I really have no idea when this time has passed! I remember very well my first trip to Armenia in July 2012 (who would have thought back then that this country will be so important to me and I will be returning on so many occassions!). Shortly after I was spending a weekend at my parents’ place and to kill the time I just wrote my first blog post at (back then it had a different name but I honestly don’t remember what was that!).
It wasn’t my first attempt at blogging, I’ve had personal blog on LiveJournal for years and tried to start the travel blog many times – but I always failed. I don’t know why it was different with that one but very quickly I got really into it!
Of course I did numerous mistakes and I wish I had done so many things differently but this is not another post about blogging itself. I just want to say how proud of myself I am for sticking to blogging for 5 years, how it has changed my life and how grateful I am that you, my dear readers are with my in this journey!
picture taken in Łódź, Poland by my friend Evi that I also met thanks to this blog
And so I have a big favour to ask. Would you be so kind and spend 10 minutes top to fill this survey I’ve created?
I want the blog not only be the outlet of my writing but also to be as useful for you as possible. I’d love to learn more about you, your travels and your expectations from the blog so I can create the best content I can to help you during your travels at all the stages!
You can find the survey below or you can just click here to fill it.
As a little thank you I have two really great prizes for you (I really wish I have more, for everyone!).
I got you a really great tote bag from the Neon Museum in Warsaw (absolute must to visit in the Polish capital!) – I’ve been using one of these bags for years during my travels and on every-day basis and I love it!
I also teamed up with Pixter and got you a starter pack of their lenses – the same one that I use and enjoy!
To have a chance for winning one of these things just enter the email address in the survey and I will pick winners using
Thank you again: for taking the time to answer the questions, for reading my posts and for being here with me! And now onto the survey! You can also click here to fill it.
Picture of the bag and lenses taken from the website of Neon Museum and Pixter

If you enjoyed that post why don't you share it with your friends? That would mean so much to me! Also be sure to join 30.000+ fellow travelers and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for travel updates and even more pictures! If you don't want to miss new posts sign up to my newsletter or follow on Bloglovin!
kris meade
11/07/2017 at 07:32love love love your blogs, the one on Iran was brilliant as I was going there, and have also got hints and ideas for when i went to the Balkans earlier this year (your winter)
You make Armenia and Georgia sound great as well
21/08/2017 at 20:45Thank you Kris! I’m glad you enjoyed all the places and you should definitely go to Armenia and Georgia too! I heard you met Paulina in Iran ;) I took her to Yerevan, Armenia earlier this year ;)
15/12/2017 at 10:01KAMI – My name is JAMI (I LOVE that our names are literally one letter apart in the alphabet!!!) The link to ‘contact’ you is not functioning for me, at least on my WiFi here in the UAE (Dubai)…I am trying to plan a very very last minute trip to Lebanon for just 3-4 days, departing tomorrow the 16th Dec! Are you at all able to reach out to me somehow ( so that we can communicate? Thank you! Primarily, as an American I am always more cautious than other western white women might be about traveling the Middle East alone, especially in these politically charged times. Have you any thoughts about this? I have in the past traveled Jordan alone, Cairo, Istanbul, Qatar, and Oman. However, all of those were 5-6 years ago. Thanks!
27/12/2017 at 17:34Hi Jami! I’m so sorry for my late reply, I saw your comment just now!! I hope your trip to Lebanon was amazing, it’s such a great country and I’m sure everything was just fine for you! I wrote the whole post about safety in Lebanon, I hope you managed to read it and found it useful! :)
Stacja Bałkany
13/07/2017 at 17:35Gratuluję i sam może wytrwam tyle lat. Fajnie mieć taką pamiątkę w sieci ze swoich podróży. Ja do Ciebie trafiłem dwa lata temu dzięki postom z Czerniowiec i Ukrainy. I teraz to mój ulubiony blog podróżniczy :)
21/08/2017 at 20:49dziękuję, bardzo mi miło!