Last Updated on 20/05/2024 by kami
On my way back from my Interrail trip to Romania and Bulgaria I had the whole day to kill either in Budapest or Bratislava. I was slightly tired after 21 hours train journey from Sofia (my longest one so far) and since I’m not a big fan of Budapest and didn’t feel like spending the whole insanely hot day in Bratislava I was wondering what my other options are. The flexibility of Interrail tickets came in really handy here. A quick look at the train schedules at Budapest Keleti station gave me this crazy idea – what if I’d walk the border between Hungary and Slovakia, just for fun? I was lucky as the train to Komarom was leaving in some 10 minutes!

Komarom – the Hungarian part of the city
I honestly don’t know how or when I learnt that Komarno and Komarom are basically one city divided by Danube river and state border, it was just stuck in my head. I had no idea how far the train stations are in both cities or if it actually makes sense to travel this way but still I’ve decided to give it a try. After all I had plenty of time to catch my train in Bratislava. The journey from Budapest to Komarom took a little bit over 1 hour and was rather smooth (despite a minor incident when a ticket inspector wanted some extra money from me as it was an InterCity train… either he or I was mistaken, I don’t really know, but since I simply had no Forints or Euro on me he just let me go). To my great surprise the train station in Komarom is located right at the Danube shore, few steps away from the bridge connecting two countries. It couldn’t have been any better as I’ve thought there’s nothing important to see in Komarom, all the interesting things are on the Slovak side. As it turned out there’s a fort not far from the train station, in the opposite direction than the bridge to Slovakia… oh well…

History of Komarno
Komarno has a similar history to one of my all time favorite places – Cieszyn. Both towns are now divided by the border (Cieszyn is split between Poland and Czech Republic) yet both until 1920 used to be a one city. But while in Cieszyn it’s really hard to notice when you leave one country and enter another (that’s how narrow the Olza River is) in Komarno two parts of the city are divided by grand Danube – second longest river in Europe. Crossing Elisabeth Bridge really can take a while and at both sides you’re welcome by the welcoming signs, either Slovenska Republika or Magyarorszag.

The city of Komarno has long and rich history. It’s one of the oldest towns in Slovakia, the first settlement here comes from the Bronze Age but the town was first mentioned in the year 1075. Due to the location at the confluence of Vah and Danube the place has always played a strategic role in the area, with castles and eventually fortifications built around. Komarno was also an important trade and crafts center, it was also the last bastion of the Hungarians in the 1848 revolution. Unfortunately the town was hit by several natural disasters and these days it’s not so easy to find traces of the great past! For centuries Komarno used to be a Hungarian town (with its original name “Komarom”, just like the Hungarian part now). After 1920 Treaty of Trianon the city was divided between two countries and the bigger, central area has become part of Slovakia (it was shortly returned to Hungary again around World War Two). But even today over 60% of inhabitants are Hungarian, being the biggest center of this minority in Slovakia. Now, with European Union and Schengen area the city, even if officially divided into two, might feel reunited again.

Pleasant yet empty Komarno
Komarno is also a center of the large Serbian community in Slovakia, they’ve been living in the town since 17th century. As soon as I walked down from the Elisabeth Bridge on the Slovak side I came across a beautiful yet faded-out church. It turned out to be a Serbian church. On the opposite side of the road I could enter the Old Town of Komarno with all major attractions of the city. It was a sunny Sunday, just before the noon, yet the place felt abandoned. Only the mass in the church gave away that there must be people around. Somehow I managed to find an open restaurant to get some breakfast and when I came out outside again Komarno looked slightly better. There were couple of people walking down the street or enjoying ice cream in this sunny weather but still Komarno didn’t feel like the most lively place you will ever see. That’s the thing with Czech Republic and Slovakia, I’ve noticed, on the weekends smaller towns are simply empty there and it’s difficult to find any people around. I’ve witnessed it so many times and Komarno just proved this.

Highlights of Komarno
There are couple of beautiful buildings along the main pedestrian streets, Zichy Palace or the Neo-Renaissance town hall just to name few. But the biggest attraction of Komarno (at least for me) was The Courtyard of Europe – a small square hidden behind the town hall. At first it might look weird as every building is different and altogether they just don’t fit to each other. But they are there for a reason. Each house shows an unique style of architecture, typical for different parts of Europe. Knowing this you look at the place with a completely different perspective and it suddenly becomes very interesting. I just loved it!

What I missed in Komarno
Komarno really has a lot to offer and I could easily spend the whole day there. After all I missed the fortress – one of the largest in Central Europe that soon might be part of UNESCO list. I was actually very close to some forts but since my visit to Komarno was so spontaneous and the tourist information was closed I didn’t really know where to go and what to see. I could have walked along Danube and Vah rivers, I could have visited Danube Museum or just enjoyed the relaxed vibe of the town. But instead I left for Bratislava and killed time in one of the best cafes I’ve ever visited! Still if you’re traveling between Bratislava and Budapest or the other way around I highly recommend going via Komarno and spending there few hours to get to know the place. It’s really worth it! You can also visit Komarno as one of the day trips from Bratislava.

Practical information
From Budapest you can take a direct train to Komarom either from Keleti or Deli stations. Trains depart more or less every half an hour (every hour from each station) and the journey time is between 1:05 and 1:30, depending on the train you take. The full price ticket costs between 1.860HUF (6€ – slower train in the second class) and 3.105HUF (10€ – for a fast train in the first class). You can check the schedule here.
From Komarno you can take the train to Bratislava with a convenient change in Nove Zamky. Trains depart from Komarno every 2 hours, the journey time is 1:30 and the ticket costs around 7€. You can check the schedule here.
Walking from Komarom train station to Komarno train station
Further reading
I published many articles about Slovakia that you might find useful when planning your trip there. Here are some of them:
- 35 Amazing Places to Visit in Slovakia
- 13 Best Things to Do in Slovakia
- The ultimate list of things to do in Bratislava, Slovakia
- 17 Great Day Trips from Bratislava, Slovakia
- 30 Great Things to do in Kosice, Slovakia
- A Complete Guide to Visiting Spis Castle, Slovakia
- Visit Nitra – the Oldest City in Slovakia
- Visit Levoca – the UNESCO gem in Slovakia
- and more!
If you are looking for articles about a specific destination – check out the map with all the articles I’ve published (and their locations). You can also join my Facebook group about traveling in Central Europe and ask your questions there.

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Połącz Kropki
30/03/2016 at 18:06Byłam w tym miejscu, aż dwa razy dwa razy tylko przejazdem, gdzie widziałam tylko teren campingu. Faktycznie, warto tam wstąpić choć na jeden dzień:)
Brakuje mi spontanicznych wyjazdów, więc nie jest to u mnie częste;)
13/04/2016 at 13:27to przy kolejnej okazji polecam chociaż na chwilkę na spacer :)
30/03/2016 at 19:21I love the architecture of this town. It’s outstanding!
13/04/2016 at 13:27it was pretty charming indeed!
30/03/2016 at 19:57Such a fun idea, and the city looks really charming! :) I’m traveling through Slovakia, Hungary and Romania in a month and will be going to Kosice after reading your post about it. Love to read about those off-the-path towns you visit!
13/04/2016 at 13:35Thanks! And I’m sure you will love Kosice, it’s one of my favourite European cities! Can’t wait to hear more about your trip there!
Mariusz Stachowiak
30/03/2016 at 20:15I see that the architecture , the history of cities sometimes it’s your favorite area :)
13/04/2016 at 13:36maybe not the most favorite but still rank pretty high for me :)
31/03/2016 at 06:58I really enjoy visiting smaller cities than capitals or huge places. Komarno looks very nice, architecture is wonderful, for me a little bit like Gorizia. And it’s do important to have sun as a companion!
13/04/2016 at 13:37I haven’t been to Gorizia yet but you made me really curious about the city! Need to go there next time when I’m in Slovenia! And sun is always the best companion :)
Magdalena Bodnari
31/03/2016 at 18:13Teraz już nie tak widocznie, ale Gorizia love ♥
Kami and the rest of the world
31/03/2016 at 21:06jakim cudem ja tam jeszcze nie byłam :D ???
Maciek Gorywoda
31/03/2016 at 18:47Cieszyn :)
Maciek Gorywoda
31/03/2016 at 18:48Byłem też w Berlinie, ale już nie był podzielony.
Maciek Gorywoda
31/03/2016 at 18:49No i nie wiem, czy Bazylea się kwalifikuje, bo niby to nie jest to samo miasto po francuskiej i niemieckiej stronie ulicy, ale granicę przekraczasz idąc chodnikiem obok ruchliwej ulicy :)
Kami and the rest of the world
31/03/2016 at 21:06ta Bazylea musi być ciekawa, i chyba się kwalifikuje, bo jakby nie było trzy państwa są! :)
Paweł Duliban
31/03/2016 at 18:50Jak wyżej – Gorizia, poza tym Zgorzelec i Twój ulubiony Cieszyn ;)
Kami and the rest of the world
31/03/2016 at 21:04Muszę do Gorizii pojechać, zapomniałam, że to kolejne podzielone miasto!
Dariusz Sieczkowski
31/03/2016 at 19:10Cieszyn, Gorycja, Komarno tylko na dworcu, bo była ulewa (trzeba nadrobić), w planach kilka innych.
Kami and the rest of the world
31/03/2016 at 21:04Komarno przy okazji polecam, bo naprawdę przyjemne! :) Gorizię muszę zdecydowanie odwiedzić!
31/03/2016 at 20:57Cool city! I guess such gems are the most pleasant to find. Unexpected and giving joy. p.s. my longest journey was 39 hours (and I actually repeat it from time to time ;)
13/04/2016 at 13:51they definitely are! And I kind of envy you this long journey, I relax the best in trains :) so much time to read and sleep!
Mark Bennetts
01/04/2016 at 01:51Thanks for this, we are always on the lookout for small places to break to break up journeys in Europe and Komarno looks like a good find. I’ll add it to the list!
13/04/2016 at 13:52Hope you will enjoy it, it’s really pleasant for a day or so!
Natalia Fraś
01/04/2016 at 06:01Cieszyn, wiadomo :D Ale to Komarno zachęcające!
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:05zdecydowanie przyjemne miasto :)
Marta Gawrychowska
01/04/2016 at 06:02Do głowy przychodzi mi tylko Cieszyn :)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:06bo Cieszyn najlepszy! :D
Marcin Wesołowski
01/04/2016 at 06:05Jesteś trendsetterką Słowacji! :)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:04to chyba dobrze ;) ?
Marcin Wesołowski
06/04/2016 at 19:30Tak :)
Emilia Smolka
01/04/2016 at 06:16Frankfurt nad Odrą! Fajną masz czcionkę w nagłówkach, albo nowa albo jej wcześniej nie widziałam :)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:04a we Frankfurcie tylko na dworcu byłam! czcionka już od jakiegoś czasu, dzięki :)
Łukasz Kędzierski
01/04/2016 at 06:36Jednym z najbardziej podzielonych miast w jakich byłem to Hebron -tam walka idzie o bardzo dużo
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:04oj tak. wizyta w Hebronie to jeden z trudniejszych momentów w podróży
Olka Zagórska-Chabros
01/04/2016 at 07:32Przez Komarno co najwyżej przejeżdżaliśmy parę razy. Najgorsze były remonty drogi, które trwały na trasie do Komarna, gdzie traciło się mnóstwo czasu. I w sumie tylko z tym kojarzy mi się to miasto ;)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 18:58przy kolejnej okazji trzeba to skojarzenie zmienić i chociaż na chwilkę się zatrzymać :) warto!
Karol Werner
01/04/2016 at 07:40w średniej Nikozji ;)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:05a mi się tam nawet podobało, ale tylko w tureckiej części
Mariusz Stachowiak
01/04/2016 at 08:33No tak, teraz się okaże, że mamy nowy Cieszyn :)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:05Cieszyn jest tylko jeden :D
Jacek Wolanik
01/04/2016 at 23:13I have to admit, very interesing relation. I have never been to Komarno before but now i really want to :D
13/04/2016 at 13:52Thank you. I hope you will have a chance to visit Komarno soon!
04/04/2016 at 23:27A jak jest ze Zgorzelcem? ;)
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:06a bardzo miłe miasto, ale to niemiecka część robi wrażenie :)
Absar Ahmad
05/04/2016 at 12:01Wow Kami,
It’s just magnificent, I live in India and I always dream of visiting “Border Towns”. I have never listened about “Komarno”, but now thanks to you I have all the knowledge. Kindly, add me to your Facebook Group I sent a request already. I am planning to visit Central Europe in next 2 years. Thank you very much friend! God Bless You and you write more beautiful things about this colorful world.
13/04/2016 at 14:00Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and I hope you will visit Central Europe soon.
Absar Ahmad
05/04/2016 at 11:04A wonderful read…! Keep it up
Kami and the rest of the world
06/04/2016 at 19:06thank you
Joy @MyTravelingJoys
14/04/2016 at 09:04Sounds like a really cool random stop! I can’t believe how empty the streets are either…usually you’d have to Photoshop the people out of your photos, but not here! :)
14/04/2016 at 20:28That’s one weird thing I’ve noticed in both Czech Republic and Slovakia – on weekends you hardly can see people on the streets! I really don’t get it but it looks good on the pictures ;)
19/04/2016 at 00:13A great introduction to a peek into Slovakia! I’ve always been curious about this country and this post definitely helped convince me that I need to visit!
29/04/2016 at 21:00Thank you! Komarno is just a nice start with Slovakia, the country has so much to offer! You definitely need to visit, I’m sure you’d enjoy it a lot!
07/03/2023 at 21:33I have been in Komarno few times, always only for a few hours.
This time, I spent 2 nights in Komarno to get to know the twin town. Komarno has a nice center, Nadvorie Europy is so magical. Yes, the town was almost empty on weekend meaning I had it all to myself.
I also visited Komarom – hungarian side. It has a nice town hall, small lake and fortress that is enlisted in Unesco tentative list. It was a big fortress – I spent 2 hours walking around. Still, it needs a lot of restoration.
Although both towns are nice, my heart goes for Komarno.
02/04/2023 at 10:53I still need to visit Komarom then. I had a feeling there is nothing interesting there and headed to the Slovak side right away. Thanks for the info!
28/10/2023 at 13:45Z podzielonych miast byłem tylko w Cieszynie i Nikozji :D ale Komarno mam na liście od dłuższego czasu :) ciekawym przypadkiem są też Velke Slemence na granicy słowacko-ukraińskiej.
30/10/2023 at 11:53I Cieszyn i Nikozja fajne :) Też musze kiedyś odwiedzić Velke Slemence, od jakiegoś czasu mam je na oku. Komarno bez fajerwerków, ale dość przyjemna jest słowacka strona :)