
50 pictures that will make you want to visit Budapest

Last Updated on 14/12/2023 by kami

Me and Budapest has always been on a rocky road. I visited it for the first time in 2002, since then I returned some 10 times and always there was something wrong, always.

I got a massive allergy out of nowhere, someone stole 10€ from me I don’t know when, I was yelled at when I had a valid ticket or paid for the toilet etc. You know, these small incidents that altogether make you have ambivalent feelings for the place that, otherwise, is just incredibly beautiful.

Recently I had to pass Budapest couple of times, on the way to Romania during my Interrail trip or when I was going back home from Serbia. I could have stayed few hours in the city, instead I just went further to Bratislava or Komarno to avoid Budapest. I just didn’t want yet another unpleasant incident to happen.

But last month when I saw crazy cheap bus tickets (5€ one way!) I’ve decided to forget about my bad luck and visit Budapest. And this time I loved it!

Visit Budapest with open mind

It’s been 5 years since my last proper visit to Budapest. I know my interests has changed a lot recently, Central Europe has become my true passion and Budapest now seemed like the city that has it all for me.

I went with an open mind and a positive attitude and besides minor incidents (like trying to charge me for the dishes – notice the plural here – I didn’t order at the restaurant) it was perfect! Having a hostel in the best area to stay in Budapest definitely was a big help here! Budapest really is insanely beautiful and this short, winter weekend made me want to visit Budapest more often.

Budapest in winter

I somehow always visit Budapest in the winter time, can’t even explain why. But it has its advantages: less people around, easier to find a table in a popular cafe or restaurant, beautiful winter light and late sunrise.

This time I was especially happy about the last one. My bus arrived to Budapest at 6 in the morning so by the time I got to the Castle Hill in Buda it was a dawn time and the day was just starting.

When I was walking towards Fisherman’s Bastion, one of the biggest attractions in the Budapest Old Town, the street lamps suddenly were turned off (I always feel anxious when this happens). There was no one around, I had the whole place for myself, just in time for the sunrise.

It was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen: the haze (or probably smog) over the city, Danube river and famous Budapest landmarks and a small orange dot getting higher and stronger with each minute. I was mesmerized! Already then I knew I made the best decision to visit Budapest!

The rest of my stay was equally beautiful. The weather was on my side so I walked a lot with my new camera (recently I bought a mirrorless FujiFilm X-T10 and I love it!), trying to track down as many art nouveau buildings, cool spots and beautiful sights as possible.

Even if I’ve visited Budapest on so many occasions before, it was the first time I went to the top of St. Stephen’s Basilica. And the view was breathtaking! Pest side of the city is all flat so this is probably the best view you can get here! And just before the sunset it’s especially beautiful, when you can see the city in the soft orange light.

Cool Budapest

Budapest has changed, a lot. It has become one of these cool Central European cities that offers so many great possibilities for every taste and is full of places that make my heart beat faster (cafes, art nouveau or Central European architecture, ruined pubs etc).

I’ve completely changed my mind about the city, I feel like these 2 days I’ve spent there now went by in the twinkling of an eye. I will do my best to return to Hungarian capital as soon as possible and in the meantime I will show you pictures that will make you want to visit Budapest too!

Visit Budapest pictures The Fisherman’s Bastion at dawn

Visit Budapest pictures The Parliament at dawn

Visit Budapest pictures The Fisherman’s Bastion

Visit Budapest pictures Matthias Church

Visit Budapest pictures Sunrise over Budapest

Visit Budapest pictures Early morning in Budapest

Visit Budapest pictures The Fisherman’s Bastion at sunrise

Visit Budapest pictures The Fisherman’s Bastion at sunrise

Visit Budapest pictures Castle gate

Visit Budapest pictures Budapest is part of UNESCO World Heritage List

Visit Budapest pictures Funicular to the Castle in Buda

Visit Budapest pictures Pest seen from the Buda side

Visit Budapest pictures The Chain Bridge connecting Buda and Pest

Visit Budapest pictures winter in Budapest

Visit Budapest pictures The Chain Bridge from the Pest side

Visit Budapest pictures The Fisherman’s Bastion and Matthias Church seen from the Chain Bridge

Visit Budapest pictures Gresham Palace Hotel

Visit Budapest pictures Details at Gresham Palace Hotel

Visit Budapest pictures Walking towards St. Stephen’s Basilica

Visit Budapest pictures Details on Museum of Applied Arts

Visit Budapest pictures Central Market Hall

Visit Budapest pictures Budapest street scene

Visit Budapest pictures The new metro station (line 4) in Budapest

Visit Budapest pictures Sunset over Budapest

Visit Budapest pictures View from the top of St. Stephen’s Basilica

Visit Budapest pictures View from the top of St. Stephen’s Basilica

Visit Budapest pictures Buda castle seen from the top of St. Stephen’s Basilica

Visit Budapest pictures One of many cafes in Budapest

Visit Budapest pictures Buda castle in the evening

Visit Budapest pictures Chain Bridge and Buda Castle

Visit Budapest pictures Fisherman’s Bastion at night

Visit Budapest pictures Fisherman’s Bastion at night

Visit Budapest pictures Parliament building

Visit Budapest pictures Hungarian State Treasury Building

Visit Budapest pictures Rumbach Synagogue

Visit Budapest pictures Gozsdu udvar passage

Visit Budapest pictures Art nouveau details

Visit Budapest pictures One of the ruined pubs

Visit Budapest pictures Street scene in the Jewish district

Visit Budapest pictures Street scene in the Jewish district

Visit Budapest pictures Famous Szimpla Kert ruined pub

Visit Budapest pictures Budapest street art

Visit Budapest pictures Budapest metro

Visit Budapest pictures Budapest baths

Visit Budapest pictures City Park Ice Rink

Visit Budapest pictures Agriculture Museum building

Visit Budapest pictures Heroes Square

Visit Budapest pictures The Parliament by night

In Budapest I stayed at Zsofi’s House Hostel – it was very affordable and in a perfect location, close to the Parliament and the Nyugati Station. Definitely can recommend this place! You can book your stay here.

If you’re looking for articles about any place in particular this map with posts might be useful for you. Or just take a look at the “destinations” page.

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    Połącz Kropki
    07/02/2017 at 09:53

    Te zdjęcia są niesamowite :D W kwietniu wracam do Budapesztu:)

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:20

      Dzięki! W kwietniu musi tam być mega miło!!

  • Reply
    07/02/2017 at 11:01

    Gorgeous photos Kami. Glad to hear you’ve changed your view on Budapest. It’s not too bad! ;)

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:22

      Thank you! It really is a pretty cool city! :)

  • Reply
    07/02/2017 at 23:19

    Budapeszt to moja ulubiona stolica w Europie! O ile za Pragą nie przepadam, Paryż mi się nie spodobał, Belgrad fajny jest ale ewidentnie raczej mało piękny to Budapeszt jest fantastyczny. Przyjedź w lecie, przejedź się tramwajem, popłyń statkiem a zakochasz się i zobaczysz najpiękniejszą stolicę ?Europy. Zima to tak o połowę gorzej wszystko wygląda niż w lecie… pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:28

      Raczej sie nie zakocham i dla mnei to nie bedzie najpiękniejsza stolica Europy, ale nudno by było gdyby wszyscy mieli takie same gusta :) tak czy siak w lecie z chęcią tam wrócę! A Za Paryżem też nie przepadam!

      • Reply
        11/02/2017 at 19:08

        Dokładnie:) Dobrze że różne rzeczy różnym ludziom się podobają:)

  • Reply
    Szymon | Znajkraj
    08/02/2017 at 20:34

    Quite cool stuff, Kamila!

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:34


  • Reply
    09/02/2017 at 06:57

    o nie, własnie mi przypomniałaś że już rok temu obiecywaliśmy sobie powrót do budapesztu i wyszła dupa. teraz znowu sobie obiecuję, sprawdź mnie za rok ;)
    ale miałas śliczny poranek tam!

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:34

      za dużo miejsc, za mało czasu!
      fantastycznie było! nocny autobus zimową porą to doskonały wybór!

  • Reply
    Bruno Arcos - Circum-Mundum
    09/02/2017 at 14:36

    Our favourite city so far :) looking forward to return to Budapest! Great pics btw

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:43

      Thanks! I’m looking forward to returning too!

  • Reply
    10/02/2017 at 12:09

    Holy crap I want to go to Budapest in winter. I have only been during warmer months and these photos make me want to go now. I’m glad you have a new found appreciate for the city :P Looks like Kami and Hungary are finally going to become friends! <3

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:45

      haha, I’m the opposite, always go there in the winter time! You definitely should go at that time too, you’d love it for sure! and I’m not sure about becoming friends, so far it’s just a little warm up ;)

  • Reply
    28/02/2017 at 19:32

    Lovely photos Kami. We are considering an extended stay in Budapest this summer but looking at some of your photos of the city in winter time, perhaps we should hold off, brave the cold and visit then instead!!!

    • Reply
      03/03/2017 at 23:08

      Summer in Budapest must be amazing! If you decide to go there I will definitely come for a visit! :) But winter was pretty great too! Maybe try to check both seasons and see what’s best :)

  • Reply
    07/04/2017 at 08:58

    Bardzo piękne widoki, które zostały świetnie uchwycone na zdjęciach. Są mega!

    Pozdrawiam i życzę dalszych wpisów tego typu.

    • Reply
      17/04/2017 at 19:54


  • Reply
    28/04/2017 at 15:00

    Piękne zdjęcia. Jeszcze nie byłam w Budapeszcie, ale myślę, że niedługo się wybiorę.

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 09:29

      zdecydowanie warto! polecam i trzymam kciuki, żeby szybko się udało!

  • Reply
    27/11/2017 at 09:46

    Your photos are just amazing, Kami. You are a talented photographer.

    • Reply
      22/12/2017 at 22:11

      Thank you for your kind words!

  • Reply
    Sten Ivan
    03/07/2020 at 02:50

    OMG! These are some gorgeous photos of Budapest, I also love Budapest so much and can’t wait to go back and visit. Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply
      20/07/2020 at 08:21

      I’m glad you liked them!

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