Browsing Tag

Middle East

  • Israel

    Life in kibbutz

    As soon as I found out that Jisr az Zarqa borders with kibbutz Maagan Michael I wanted to visit the place and see how the perfect life really looks like. I’ve…

  • Jordan

    Wadi Rum desert in pictures

    I’ve never been really interested in visiting deserts. Sand is not my thing, it’s way too annoying and gets literally everywhere – it just drives me crazy. But when I visited…

  • Israel

    Alternative Jerusalem guide

    Traveling teaches me a lot of humility. And recently it showed me how wrong I was about the places I’ve been visiting, how my image before arriving has nothing to do…

  • Israel

    Biblical sites in Israel

    Most of the people who visit Israel don’t come there because of the complex political situation they would like to understand or because of the amazing places they would like to…

  • Israel

    Sunrise hike to Masada

    The alarm clock brutally cut through my sleep. I needed few moments to realize where I am and what’s happening. The night was at its best, it was barely 3.30 a.m.…

  • Israel Palestine

    Scenes from the West Bank

    The name “West Bank” usually brings all sort of negative emotions to people: fear, confusion, questioning. And I get it as that’s what media do to us, showing only unfortunate events,…

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