
Persepolis images – a gallery from the most known ancient city in Iran

Last Updated on 05/02/2023 by kami

For years when I heard about Iran I had Persepolis images in front of my eyes. This is probably the most known tourist attraction in this incredible country, the one that even people not interested in the area know about. And so when I planed my trip to Iran obviously I included a journey all the way south to see Persepolis and its greatness too.

Short history of Persopolis

The oldest remains of Persepolis date back to the year 515 BC. It’s been the capital of Achaemenid Empire, one of the biggest of that period, and considered the greatest city in the world. After reading the history of Persepolis my expectations were really big. I’m not a big fan of ancient ruined cities but truly enjoyed Petra and Jerash in Jordan so I secretly knew I’ll also like Persepolis. Well, as it turned out I was wrong…

Visiting Persepolis

After walking for hours around the ruins in Jordan I prepared myself for the similar experience in Persepolis, I equipped myself with comfortable shoes and a bottle of water and was more than ready to explore the place. To my great surprise the site was pretty small! It took me one hour to (very) slowly wander around every possible spot and climb up to the tombs, to carefully check every single decoration of camels, lions or people and to reflect at the great past and big fall of the city.

Finally planning a trip to Iran is so much easier! I remember how much I’ve struggled not being able to plan anything ahead. Fortunately it has changed!

Happy Iran travels!

Nevertheless I found Persepolis a spectacular place, the one where my imagination could have drifted away and think about the magnificent times where the city was at its best. If you visit it with the open mind you’d really enjoy the ruins, otherwise you’d think it’s just a pile of stones and nothing more. I made the mistake of comparing Persepolis to the places I’ve visited in Jordan and therefore expecting something similar. That’s why I found the place pretty disappointing and not worth all the hype. Now, when I think back to my visit there I have more warmer feelings for it and can see why it is a highlight of Iran.

A little gallery of Persepolis images

Now let me show you few Persepolis images so you can do your own judgement of the place!

Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Persepolis images
Do you like exploring ruins? What was the greatest ancient city you’ve visited? Would you like to visit Iran?

With over 15 years of independent travelling I’ve learnt which websites and services are the best when planning a trip. I always use and trust following websites:

Flights – I search for the best deals on either Momondo or SkyScanner. Both search numerous sites to find the best offers. I also really like the “everywhere” option when searching for the flights as it often gives me the inspiration, if not for this trip then for the next time.

Accommodation – Finally it’s possible to book accommodation in Iran online (that’s what I’ve strugled with the most during my trip). You can do that at 1stQuest website. Click here to see the hotels and book the place for yourself!

Insurance – I never travel without the insurance as you never know what might happen on the road (I’ve learnt my lesson). In Iran you need to get the insurance from the local agency and you have to have one for the visa anyway. Fortunately you can do it online! Click here to check the options and book your insurance for the trip to Iran!

Guide books – I do like reading a guide book before and during the trip. Depending on the destination I usually buy either Lonely Planet or Bradt. You can get your guidebooks for Iran here: Bradt / Lonely Planet

Day tours in Iran – I do go for a day trips when I travel as often they are the most convenient way to see the place that save you time and money. Click here to see and book the best day tours in Iran

If you think of visiting Iran or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it:

If you’re looking for articles about any place in particular this map with posts might be useful for you. Or just take a look at the “destinations” page.


persepolis pin (1)       persepolis pin (2)

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    Mags Onthemove
    17/05/2015 at 21:40

    I’ve not made it to this area of the world yet, but would love to go someday. You’re photos are amazing.

  • Reply
    Laura Lynch
    17/05/2015 at 21:54

    Persepolis looks like an awesome place. I would love to get there someday to see it in person.

  • Reply
    Anna Faustino
    18/05/2015 at 00:37

    Would love to be able to explore this place!

  • Reply
    Natalie Vereen-Davis
    18/05/2015 at 01:10

    Oh, wow! I would LOVE to see this in person!

  • Reply
    The Adventure Ahead
    18/05/2015 at 05:06

    My husband and I were checking out the pics you had posted on facebook while we were out eating dinner this evening, and were inspired and had to pop by and read your post. Great images of a beautiful place :) Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:29

      Thank you! Persepolis is really impressive! Glad you liked the pictures!

  • Reply
    Dave Briggs
    18/05/2015 at 05:34

    Lovely photos! A place I’ve always wanted to visit.

  • Reply
    Magdalena Bodnari
    18/05/2015 at 06:07

    Jako archeolog śródziemnomorski muszę Ci dać wielkie ♥

  • Reply
    18/05/2015 at 07:18

    Świetne zdjęcia ;-)Zwiedzałam podobne ruiny na Cyprze;)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:31

      dzięki! A gdzie na Cyprze były te ruiny? Ja byłam w Kurion i całkiem niezłe były

  • Reply
    Zygmunt Kuba
    18/05/2015 at 07:26

    albańskie starożytne ruiny chyba nie imponują jak irańskie – piękne i w dodatku przy upalnej, słonecznej pogodzie :)

  • Reply
    Mariusz Stachowiak
    18/05/2015 at 08:19

    Jeśli patrzę na stare budowle to intryguje mnie ich proces budowania. Trud włożony w pracę i ta precyzja, która przebija czasami dzisiejszych budowlańców :)

    • Reply
      Szymon Nitka
      18/05/2015 at 18:59

      I jeszcze stoi dzisiaj. A co z dzisiejszych budowli przetrwa do przyszłych wieków? :)

  • Reply
    Rhonda Albom
    18/05/2015 at 10:15

    Wow. What an amazing place. The photos really took me there, the history, the carvings, the columns. My favorite ruins that I have visited are Ephesus in Turkey, but now I really want to go to Iran and see Persepolis.

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:32

      I heard so much about Ephesus yet I never made it there! Guess I need to plan a trip to Turkey soon :)

  • Reply
    Kirsty Bennetts
    18/05/2015 at 09:27

    Great photos. I sooo want to visit Iran but need the rules allowing UK citizens to travel there independently!

  • Reply
    Sara Rodriguez
    18/05/2015 at 09:39

    Persepolis looks amazing! Iran is on my bucket list right now as some of my friends went there last year and loved it!

  • Reply
    Hannah Logan
    18/05/2015 at 13:06

    wow that looks incredible!

  • Reply
    Ana O
    18/05/2015 at 15:56

    Sometimes we set out expectations too high and are bound to be disappointed. It happened to me with Geneva. I learned my lesson and approach a new place with an open mind.
    I would absolutely love to visit Persepolis, as I appreciate ruins and archeological sites in general. I just hope that fundamentalist fanatics don’t ruin them

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:35

      I had a completely different impressions of Geneva, I expected nothing and was nicely surprised. Lausanne however was a different story ;)
      Iran is safe, there’s no ISIS there (and it’s very unlikely they will come to Iran) so hopefully Persepolis is safe!

  • Reply
    Lauren Marinigh
    18/05/2015 at 17:29

    Thanks for sharing this piece. Your photos look amazing. Iran is definitely on my bucket list! Glad to see so many people starting to visit there :)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:36

      Thank you! Fingers crossed you will make it there soon, it’s totally worth it!

  • Reply
    Anna @AnnaEverywhere
    18/05/2015 at 17:29

    Love your photos, but I’m also extremely jealous you got to visit Iran! I read some great advice in your other posts about visas! Thanks Kamila :)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:36

      You are very welcome! Why don’t you go there yourself? I’m sure you’d enjoy it, it’s a great country!

  • Reply
    18/05/2015 at 17:41

    Beautiful images! I have long had iran on my to do list. A friend of mine just recently visited as well and it is making me long to visit!

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:37

      Thank you! Hopefully you will go there soon too!

  • Reply
    antonette - we12travel
    18/05/2015 at 22:15

    To be honest I’m not really big fan of ruins but this place seems pretty awesome (and so sounds all of Iran to me). The pics are stunning! Isn’t it funny how we sometimes look forward to something, then end up disappointed and only realize how amazing it once when you’re back home? I have to admit it happens to me quite often…

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:38

      haha, it’s the same with me! Guess we need time to digest some places :)

  • Reply
    Donald Bucolo
    18/05/2015 at 22:04

    Great pictures. Never thought of visiting this country, but now I am inspired to put it on our travel list!

  • Reply
    Carol Colborn
    19/05/2015 at 01:13

    Great ruins! But I do not know if I would go to Iran.

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:38

      You definitely should give it a chance, it’s worth it! Thanks!

  • Reply
    19/05/2015 at 05:23

    Gorgeous photos! They really capture how massive this place must be. What a way to spend the day.

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:39

      Thank you! It was a pretty lovely day indeed!

  • Reply
    19/05/2015 at 08:27

    This reminds me a lot of the ancient aegyptian ruins like Karnak for example. Looks nice, but I am sure it is much more impressive when seen live :)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:39

      I think all the ruins in the Mediterranean/Middle East are kind of similar. But I must admit I haven’t heard about Karnak before, must google it!

  • Reply
    Szymon | Znajkraj
    19/05/2015 at 08:30

    Kamila, how is it possible, that people in not so far (!) countries devastate places like Persepolis? How is it possible to ignore the world heritage…

    That’s great that you have seen it, you have been there, before some crazy winds of history will tear it down :/

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:41

      Just remember how old Persepolis is, we cannot compare it to old historical buildings we have in Poland. And the history can be brutal, all over the world and a lot can happen over centuries. Most of the impressive ancient cities, no matter how rich they used to be, look similar to Persepolis these days. That’s how things are and will be, I’m afraid

  • Reply
    19/05/2015 at 08:49

    Beautiful! You can always feel some special vibes, some spirit of old times in those places, don’t you agree? :)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:42

      Definitely! It can be pretty spooky!

  • Reply
    Milosz Zak
    19/05/2015 at 12:04

    Absolutely incredible photos. Did you watch any documentaries before you visited Persepolis? Apparently, the ceilings were very high for ventilation, and the entire complex was a series of audience halls which doubled as administrative areas – the whole thing was meant to awe, and definitely made an impression of foreign dignitaries – I think we’re all super jealous! :D

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:45

      Thank you! I read a little bit but now, after visiting, I’m eager to find out much more information about the place! I always read a lot about the place after visiting it, it’s easier to imagine everything then!

  • Reply
    kanika kalia
    20/05/2015 at 02:22

    Wow your pics are beautiful… I love such places with history, remains, insights to older architecture…What was your first impression of Persepolis?? Is it preserved well?

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:47

      Thank you! Honestly I was slightly disappointed with Persepolis as I was expecting something on a much grander scale! But overall it was a nice place to visit

  • Reply
    21/05/2015 at 18:14

    Amazing! I wish i were there :)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:47

      who knows, maybe one day you will!

  • Reply
    TM podróżńiczo
    21/05/2015 at 21:25

    I think it’s really incredible country, place with interesting history. Of course I’d like to visit Iran. I know something about culture etc. Amazing pictures :)

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:48

      Thank you! I really hope you will get there someday soon! You’d love it for sure!

  • Reply
    Sammi Wanderlustin'
    22/05/2015 at 10:48

    To me, it looks fascinating! I mean, I can barely believe how long its stayed standing. Amazing!

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:49

      I know! It’s really incredible and fascinating how places used to be built all these centuries ago!

  • Reply
    10/06/2015 at 02:03

    Interesting historical ruins and great photos.

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 21:49

      Thank you!

  • Reply
    19/09/2015 at 19:40

    To jak u mnie z Akropolem. Weszłam, pospacerowałam z 30min i najwięcej czasu zajęła mi makrofotografia kwiatków na tle ruin ;)

    • Reply
      23/09/2015 at 04:25

      podobnie miałam, najbardziej na Akropolu zachwycały mnie widoki z Akropolu!

  • Reply
    22/11/2016 at 09:36

    Thank you for your awesome photos. Looking at ancient ruins of Iran fills me with awe and pain at the same time. Pain, because of the damage caused to the country’s culture over time. Persepolis was first set fire to by Alexander, and then was further ruined by ISIS-like Muslim pioneers who occupied Iran in AD 650 and did not, and do not, like art and culture.

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 20:37

      I had very similar thoughts, Persepolis must have been amazing at its best time and it’s so sad how ruined it is now…

  • Reply
    05/12/2016 at 20:43

    Persepolis to kupa gruzu i trzeba mieć trochę wyobraźni żeby czerpać przyjemność ze zwiedzania tego miejsca. Albo… Wykosztować się na przewodnika! Akurat tam w 100% warto! Myślę, że gdyby nie przewodnik, to zamiast “mega interesujące miejsce” moja opinia brzmiałaby “meh”. Wiele rzeczy zwizualizował, dużo dopowiedział i zwrócił uwagę na mnóstwo szczegółów, które na pewno bym pominęła.

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 10:10

      Zgadzam sie, przewodnik może zrobić kolosalną różnicę! Ale mimo wszystko Persepolis jakoś mnie nie powaliło, chyba miałam za wysokie oczekiwania

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