
Slovak Paradise and Kosice Region by train

Last Updated on 20/05/2024 by kami

It’s no secret I’m a major railway geek. Trains have been very much present in my life since I remember, most of my childhood memories are connected with them and even if I haven’t realized that it was more or less obvious I will eventually find a job in the railway company. I can proudly say I’m one of the lucky people whose job is also their passion, even if it has its own ups and downs.

So when I got a chance to spend a long weekend in Slovak Paradise, using trains to travel around, I couldn’t say no. Trains already were a huge treat for me but I was also super excited to visit Slovak Paradise itself as I haven’t been to that part of the country yet.

Slovak Paradise by train

Railway transport in Slovakia

Sadly, like in Poland, the local railway transport in Slovakia is recently shrinking. At the same time the main lines are always full of people, especially since Slovakia introduced free train travels for children, students and people over 62 years old.

Good news is that it’s not only limited to local people but also citizens of all the EU countries! If you’re among the lucky groups don’t hesitate and plan your Slovak railway trip as soon as possible! And before you do take a look here to read all about this offer!

Another great thing about railway transport in Slovakia, the one that has been fascinating me since I’ve seen it for the first time are mototrains. I’ve seen this solution only in Czech Republic and Slovakia, in the night train connecting Prague and Kosice and recently in Slovenian Alps.

At the end of the train there is a special carriage for cars only – you leave your vehicle there and head to the sleeping carriage for a comfortable night journey. In the morning, all fresh and well-rested you collect the car and start a day in another city. Smart, isn’t it? Every time I’ve seen this mototrains they are full of cars so it really must be a popular service!

Slovak Paradise by train

Slovak Paradise by train

Slovak mototrain

Have you ever thought of train travels around Europe with Interrail ticket? I did it and you can read all about my experience in this post! (click to open in the new window)

Children’s railway in Kosice

The trip started in my favorite Slovak city – Kosice. This time however we didn’t really see the picture perfect Old Town but headed to the outskirts of the city to ride a children’s railway. With this name I literally didn’t know what to expect but it turned out to be such a treat!

The children’s railway was built in mid 1950s’ for pioneers – a popular in the Soviet time group of active kids and teenagers. Similar railways were built also in other places in former Czechoslovakia but till these days only the one in Kosice survived, and it is doing really good.

The whole line is almost 4 kms long with couple of stops along the way. Even if the train is rather short you can choose whether you want to sit in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class.

But I will tell you a secret – the best place to enjoy the ride, especially on the nice day, is to stand at the very end of the train. You can feel the wind in your hair, the rays of sun peek through the trees and everything is just beautiful.

The train is pulled by the beautiful old steam locomotive that throws soot everywhere around (I learnt the hard way it’s not so easy to wash it out!). Even if the ride is short it’s a pure pleasure and you can feel like a kid again. I know I was, jumping with a joy and grinning like crazy all the way!

Children's railway Kosice

Children's railway Kosice

Children's railway Kosice

Children's railway Kosice

Margecany – a perfect place for train spotters

From Kosice it’s just a short way to Margecany – a perfect place for all the train spotters!

Margecany is one of the biggest rail hub in Slovakia – if you’re heading to Slovak Paradise you will most likely have to change your trains here. The station itself has a nice location – with mountains around – and it is a decent place if you are after some good pictures of trains.

But there is even better place to admire trains passing by, you just need to go to Margecany Zastavka – one stop further in the direction of Kosice. Not only you will be able to see a beautiful lake surrounded with the mountains, not only you will be able to walk through the old railway tunnel which itself is a good reason to come here but you will also be in the best spot for trains spotting.

Since it’s the main Slovak railway line trains pass by here frequently, with the speed up to 120 kms per hour. You’re on the curve, the train enter or leave the tunnel and well – you just can imagine how perfect this spot is!

Just be careful here, don’t stand too close to the tracks as there is nothing to protect you. And you will feel for sure how powerful trains can be!







Dedinky – a getaway to Slovak Paradise

Margecany is the best place to start your journey towards Slovak Paradise – one of the most beautiful areas of Slovakia with numerous hiking options. The trains here run through one of the most picturesque lines in Slovakia, passing by the stunning landscape and beautiful old towns like Gelnica.

This journey is such a treat and I can guarantee you will spend it all glued to the window, admiring the views! You can go all the way, almost 100kms to Cervena Skala, or you can break the journey in Dedinky – a small village located at the lakeshore.

Not only this is the perfect getaway to Slovak Paradise National Park with its best hiking trails (I wasn’t brave enough to go on ladders – later on when I saw pictures taken by my friend I really regretted!) but it is also yet another great place for trains spotting.

I know this might sound weird but the best viewing point is from the local cemetery. It’s located on the hillside, with the lake, the village and the mountains in the background!







Dedinky can be a good base to explore the area of Slovak Paradise, railway related or not. Besides hiking options a short ride away you will find Dobisinska Ice Cave – an UNESCO listed wonder of nature that I still have to visit. I’ve only been at the train station there and it was just the cutest.

That’s also where I witnessed the most beautiful after rain scene – a full rainbow on the orange sky with a train below. It was one of the moments I will remember forever, too beautiful to describe.

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Railway wonders in Slovak Paradise

A little bit further towards Cervena Skala you should stop at the small station Telgart Pension – probably the most beautiful place along this line through Slovak Paradise. The station is the starting/exit point of the unique tunnel – the train goes the full circle inside, changing the altitude. When standing at the station you can see one of the impressive viaducts on the line but this is just the foretaste of what you’re about to witness very soon.

Chmarossky Viadukt – one of the most beautiful and most spectacular technical masterpieces in Slovakia – is 113,6 meters long, 18 meters high and looks like from a fairy tale. Or from one of the Harry Potter movies!

It was one of the places that literally took my breath away. I could easily imagine a steam train rolling slowly on the viaduct – if you are lucky you can actually witness such a scene! One of the most impressive steam locomotives – so called “Papagaj” (“The Parrot”), built in 1951 – is sometimes used for retro train journeys.

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise


Going by train through the Slovak Paradise used to be an integral part of the holidays in the region for many. Train can get you to many places that are not reachable by road, making the journey even more unique and exciting.

Unfortunately these days there are only very few connections on this line but if you’re lucky to use one of them you’ll definitely enjoy them as the views outside are splendid. Rolling hills, lush forests and cute little villages along the way all look like in a tourist folder. Be sure to score a window seat and have your camera ready as I’m sure you will want to capture those perfect views along the way. I did!

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Beautiful railway journeys in Slovakia

Since my first visit in Slovakia (in 2002 I think…) I’ve been always trying to use trains there. It’s one of the countries where even if I plan to kill the travel time by reading the book I very quickly end up just staring outside the window, being in the awe of the landscape passing by.

When someone asks me what are the best railway journeys in Europe I always say that the one from Bratislava to Kosice via Trencin, Zilinia and Poprad is a must. Now I can gladly add Slovak Paradise to this list!

If you are planning to visit Slovakia do yourself a favor and venture deeper into the country than just Bratislava. And when you do so – use the train whenever you can!

Slovak Paradise

Do you like train travels too? What was the most beautiful train journey you took? Have you been to Slovakia?

Further reading

I published many articles about Slovakia that you might find useful when planning your trip there. Here are some of them:

If you are looking for articles about a specific destination – check out the map with all the articles I’ve published (and their locations). You can also join my Facebook group about traveling in Central Europe and ask your questions there.


Slovak Paradise by train

This trip was in partnership with Slovakia Travel and Kosice Region but all the opinions remain my own, as always!

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    Victoria @The British Berliner
    24/11/2016 at 07:51

    ‘Love this post!
    I too am a lover or Eastern Europe and travelling by train. We ought to meet one day Kami. And if you’re ever in Berlin, look me up!

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 20:55

      Thanks! And I will! I’m actually often in Berlin these days but just at the airport, so many awesome destinations opened up from Schoenefeld recently!

  • Reply
    Idę, albo nie idę
    24/11/2016 at 19:18

    Patrząc na zdjęcia i czytając to nazwa “Slovak train Paradise” również nie byłaby daleka od prawdy ;)

    • Reply
      Kami and the rest of the world
      24/11/2016 at 19:21

      przyznaję, że chodziła mi po głowie ;) dzięki!

  • Reply
    24/11/2016 at 19:50

    Viva Slovakia!

  • Reply
    Edward Van Dokkum
    25/11/2016 at 12:56

    I love Slovakia and trains, so very nice to read what you have written

  • Reply
    25/11/2016 at 16:51

    Great photos – looks like you had quite the adventure!

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 20:58

      Thanks! I really did!

  • Reply
    Jeffrey Scot Swoyer
    25/11/2016 at 21:19

    Kami, I found Slovakia to be a “diamond in the rough” after my first visit in 2012 (Bratislava/Poprad) and 2nd visit (Banska Stiavnkia/Bojnice/Bardejov). If you haven’t been there, see Bojnice and its beautiful castle. And, yes, I’ve taken the train throughout the country and enjoyed it immensely. I am sad to see the declining rails, for many of us single travelers in Europe it is the best way to get around. I don’t want to have to drive a car (I can do that back home (U.S.A.)

  • Reply
    Iwona Gogulska
    27/11/2016 at 07:32

    Mi zdarza się bywać na Słowacji, ale przyznam szczerze, że dla mnie głównie to jest kraj tranzytowy… Oczywiście nie znaczy to, że po drodze niczego nie zwiedzam, ale generalnie jest to zawsze dodatek do podróży. Po Twoim poście zastanawiam się czy aby tego nie zmienić :)

  • Reply
    Evi Mielczarek
    27/11/2016 at 21:48

    OMG! That lake with a railway crossing it?! Totally awesome! You don’t have to be train freak to appreciate it!
    I love traveling by train, but due to travel time and price (except promos) tend to choose plane more often…

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 21:03

      I also recently travel mostly by plane but my heart still belongs to train :) This lake was incredible!!!

  • Reply
    28/11/2016 at 17:43

    I love travelling by train so I liked your post so much! Beautiful pictures and I have never been to Slovakia, so it even more interesting! Thanks.

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 21:04

      Thank you. You definitely should go to Slovakia, it’s a wonderful country!

  • Reply
    29/11/2016 at 08:04

    Wow! I don’t know much about Slovakia, I never thought that you can travel easily there by train. All those places look really interesting, even for me, not a total train lover! :)

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 21:05

      Well, you can travel easily only on the main lines, the rest is more challenging. But Slovakia is definitely an interesting country to visit!

  • Reply
    Marta / Podróżniczo
    30/11/2016 at 09:14

    I was in Slovakia once, but never by train. It must be amazing experience :) And you have lovely photos from this trip!

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 21:06

      Thank you! And it is amazing indeed :)

  • Reply
    30/11/2016 at 09:15

    This is one of the most charming trips I have seen in long time! I would seriously join if I knew earlier! :) Beautiful landscapes and real slow travel!

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 21:06

      Thanks :) Next time we will definitely let you know as I bet you’d enjoy it as much as we did!

  • Reply
    06/12/2016 at 11:17

    Ja też uwielbiam poznawać świat pociągiem – ja z kolei pamiętam że bardzo mi się podobała trasa kolejowa z Muszyny – Popradu i Plavca do Koszyc – obecnie chyba już nie używana w planowym ruchu, a swego czasu jechałem tamtędy pociągiem Euro City Bem do Budapesztu. Najpierw góry i widoki wzdłuż doliny Popradu a potem na równinach słoneczniki i piękne Węgry. Niestety na Słowację z Wrocławia mam daleko, ale podobnie piękne widoki są zaraz za granicą z Czechami tu na Dolnym Śląsku:)

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 10:13

      Też jechałam Bemem (wtedy nawet podjęłam decyzję, że chciałabym na kolei pracować, nie podejrzewałam że parę miesięcy później się uda, i to lepiej niż myślałam ;)). A ta trasa kolejowa tak naprawdę z Koszyc aż do Tarnowa jest cudowna, jedna z piękniejszych w naszej części Europy! Szkoda tylko, że teraz pociągiem na Słowację można jedynie w Zwardoniu…

  • Reply
    10/02/2017 at 08:54

    Slovak paradise is very nice place with amazing nature – look our cycle video from there:

    • Reply
      10/02/2017 at 15:44


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