
My 13 best Instagram travel pictures in 2015

Last Updated on 05/02/2023 by kami

These days almost everyone is posting in social media a collage of 9 best Instagram pictures of the past year. And I really enjoy these posts but since I wanted to show you something more than this I will present you below 13 of my best Instagram travel pictures in 2015! This year I learnt to love Instagram, so much that it has become my favourite social media channel. I’m a visual person, first looking at the pictures and based on them deciding if I’m interested or not in the background story. That’s also how I often choose my travel destinations or blog posts I’m about to read. It’s pretty obvious Instagram is just perfect for me!

This past year I was pretty active there, posting pictures on regular basis and interacting with others, and in only 12 months the number of my followers jumped from 600 to over 4300! And that’s without any stupid f4f games that I don’t have time for and well, just truly hate! Right now I’m the 10th best travel Instagramer in Poland and I couldn’t be any prouder! And the fun thing – I don’t spend more than half an hour on Instagram each day. I’m using it only on the way to/from work as there’s no point in reading the book in those 15 minutes one way, with two changes.

In past I used to feature each day on Facebook one random photo from my travels. You seemed to enjoyed it but I also had a great fun choosing what to post as it was always a great journey down the memory lane, reminding me of the trips I’ve done. At some point I moved my “photo of the day” to Instagram – it’s much more accurate there anyway! That’s why my photo stream on Instagram doesn’t only show my recent travels, it’s a collection of my best pictures from numerous countries I’ve visited over the years! Maybe I don’t have as many likes and comments as others but I value every single click there.

You might have notticed that couple of days ago my Instagram was hacked and instead of my account you could see half naked lady with her own username, promoting my pictures. It made me laugh and drove me mad at the same time. But also it made me realize how much I enjoy Instagram! You might think it’s shallow but I really find it a great source of inspiration and motivation. Fortunately in less than a day Instagram gave me back the access to my account and so here it is, the little collection of my 13 best Instagram travel pictures of 2015! Which one is your favourite?

Valletta, Malta

One of the many charming and picturesque corners of Valletta. I just adored the balconies!

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my 5 day trip to Malta in October 2015.

Meteora, Greece

Picture taken during my trip to Greece in April 2014.

You might want to take a look at more pictures of Meteora or pictures of Athens

Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn, Estonia – best seen from the tower of St.Olaf's church

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to Estonia in October 2013.

I posted more pictures of Old Town in Tallinn here. You might also want to take a look at my mini guide to alternative Tallinn

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland

Stein am Rhein – one of the most beautiful Swiss towns, it looks like from a fairy tale! Isn't it just the prettiest?

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to Switzerland in October 2010

Tartu, Estonia

Stunning autumn in Tartu, Estonia. It was the most beautiful I've ever seen! What's your favourite season?

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to Estonia in October 2013

I posted more pictures of amazing autumn in Estonia here. You might also want to read more about Tartu

Haghpat Monastery, Armenia

Picture taken during my trip to Armenia in April 2014.

You can read more about Lori Province (where Haghpat Monastery is located) on the blog. Also, you should take a look at my post with some important facts about Armenia!

Boulders Beach, South Africa

Penguins at the Boulders Beach near Cape Town – definitely one of the highlights of my stay in South Africa!

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to South Africa in November 2013.

You might be interested in reading more about the perfect day at the Cape Peninsula or why I loved visiting Cape Town

Amberd fortress, Armenia

Dramatic scenery near the Amberd fortress in Armenia. Is this small country on your bucket list?

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to Armenia in April 2014.

You might want to read more about Aragatsotn region in Armenia or find out why Yerevan is my favourite city

Petra, Jordan

Picture taken during my trip to Jordan in January 2014.

You might want to see more pictures of Petra or take a look if Amman really is one of the ugliest cities in the world

Valletta, Malta

Picture taken during my trip to Malta in October 2015.

Karakol, Kyrgyzstan

Karakol might look like a very random (or even ugly) town but the mountains around are so spectacular! I loved it!

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to Kyrgyzstan in November 2015.

Isfahan, Iran

Isfahan, Iran – probably one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Would you like to visit Iran?

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika kami (@kamischka)

Picture taken during my trip to Iran in May 2015.

You might want to read more about my solo female travel in Iran or how I got my visa to Iran

Porto, Portugal

Picture taken during my trip to Portugal in March 2015.

You might want to see more pictures of Porto or read my mini guide to alternative Porto

All the best in 2016 and happy travels to picture perfect places!!!

love, kami 2

If you enjoyed that post why don't you share it with your friends? That would mean so much to me! Also be sure to join 30.000+ fellow travelers and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for travel updates and even more pictures! If you don't want to miss new posts sign up to my newsletter or follow on Bloglovin!


  • Reply
    Andrew Darwitan
    03/01/2016 at 06:15

    I really love your Armenia photos! =) Meteora is breathtaking, as always.

    • Reply
      07/01/2016 at 23:34

      thank you! And you’re right about Meteora, such a stunning place!

  • Reply
    04/01/2016 at 10:20

    Stunning photos! Congrats!

    • Reply
      07/01/2016 at 23:34

      Thank you!

  • Reply
    Jesper, The Biveros Effect
    08/01/2016 at 07:50

    Nice collection of pictures and destinations :)

    • Reply
      09/01/2016 at 18:58

      Thank you!

  • Reply
    14/02/2016 at 16:26

    i really like your photos :)
    great job!!!

    • Reply
      15/02/2016 at 22:16

      Thank you!

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