
Gallery with pictures of Porto, Portugal

Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami

I must admit in recent years I’ve stopped being all that crazy about Western Europe, it has become way too predictable to me. But then there are places out there that have a special spot in my heart and that don’t change all that much over the years. One of such cities is Porto – second biggest city of Portugal. It was the first country that I’ve ever visited, back in 1997 and my recent trip there was the 3rd one to this small country at the edge of Europe. During each trip I stopped by in Porto and every time I fell in love with it. Even randomly seeing pictures of Porto online made my think of going there right away.

Porto – one of the most underrated cities in Europe

Maybe I’m just sentimental but Porto is really incredible! Located at the mouth of the river Duoro, with a really steep streets and lanes, it is one of the most beautiful yet underrated cities in Europe. It is slowly changing and the popularity of Porto grows but overall still not that many people discovered this amazing place. And even with tourists it’s not that hard to escape the crowds! All you need to do is to enter the maze of winding lanes and walk around – even if you get lost it is a pure pleasure and a real treat! From that perspective Porto looks somehow edgy but that just gives it even more character! Wandering aimlessly around was the highlight of my stay there!

-> In Porto I stayed at Gallery Hostel and it was amazing! Beautiful and spacious, with hearty breakfast and relaxing vibe. Check out the prices and more details here! <-

More than just Port wine

First mentions of Porto come from the 5th century and ever since its been an important center. However the city isn’t known for its beauty or history. It got the most popularity thanks to the Port wine, produced only in the Duoro valley and transported in big barrels down the river to the caves in Vila Nova de Gaia. These days wine tasting in this city – that looks like part of Porto but technically it is not – is one of the biggest attractions there. But the place has so much to offer!

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Pictures of Porto – a treat for every photographer!

Visiting Porto is one of the top things to do in Portugal as it’s one of the most picturesque cities ever. I bet it’s impossible to take a bad picture there. With all the colorful houses and hanging laundry, incredible azulejos (typical Portuguese blue tiles) just about everywhere and numerous viewpoints that take your breath away it’s hard not to love the place! And even if I’ve been there 3 times already I know I will return there again – that’s what Portugal does to you! Just look at these pictures of Porto, isn’t the city stunning?

pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
pictures of Porto
Have you been to Portugal? Would you like to visit Porto? What was the first country you’ve been to?

Are you looking for a place to stay in Porto? Look no further! Book cheap accommodation in Porto here!

If you think of visiting Portugal or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it:

If you’re looking for articles about any place in particular this map with posts might be useful for you. Or just take a look at the “destinations” page.

porto pictures pin (1)       porto pictures pin (2)

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    29/03/2015 at 17:59

    These stunning shots make me wonder why I haven’t been to Porto yet and Portugal altogether? Must fix that ;)

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 21:35

      You definitely do that! I think you’d like it there!

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    Agnieszka /Zależna w podróży
    29/03/2015 at 17:59

    Piękne! Pamiętam, że dla mnie największym zaskoczeniem był dworzec kolejowy. Stałam oniemiała.

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 21:35

      oj tak! to chyba jeden z piękniejszych jakie w życiu widziałam!

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    Agnieszka Ptaszyńska
    29/03/2015 at 18:23

    uwielbiam to miasto!

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    Laura Lynch
    29/03/2015 at 18:30

    We visited Porto this year! It was amazing. We stayed in both Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia to get the full perspective and just loved it.

  • Reply
    29/03/2015 at 19:30

    LOVE IT! Like I love the whole Portugal. And Vila Nova de Gaia and it’s port wine cellars… hmm :)

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 21:36

      I know! It’s hard not to love this country :)

  • Reply
    29/03/2015 at 20:31

    Beautiful photos! I’ve only been to Lisbon and down the coast until Faro and really loved this roadtrip. My next trip to Portugal will definitely be to Porto and its surroundings. Seems like a really pretty place.

  • Reply
    Agnieszka Warzecha
    29/03/2015 at 19:36

    Ja tez bylam i tez mnie zachwycilo!

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    Guilherme Varro
    29/03/2015 at 19:51

    Oh my! it looks great!!

  • Reply
    29/03/2015 at 21:56

    Dzięki za te zdjęcia, Kami! :) miło powspominać! w Porto zakochałam się od pierwszego wejrzenia. Nie jest tak…eleganckie,jak Lisbona, ale ma TO COŚ:)

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 21:37

      polecam się :) oj zdecydowanie ma to coś! chociaż ja nie mogę się zdecydowac czy wolę Lizbonę czy Porto, ale jednak chyba bliżej mi do Porto :)

  • Reply
    Sonja Riemenschneider
    29/03/2015 at 22:06

    Beautiful photos! I was only in Portugal a few days and would love to go back and visit Porto next time!

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    Haley Pugh
    29/03/2015 at 22:13

    I’ve been to Lisbon, but not Porto. Would love to go there though!

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    Michele Mangus Thomareas
    29/03/2015 at 23:42

    Have never visited Portugal, but your photos are very inviting! Definitely putting Porto on my bucket list!

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    Sophie Rose Williams
    30/03/2015 at 00:08

    I’ve never been to Portugal but when I eventually get back to Europe i’d love to go!

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    Kasia No
    30/03/2015 at 06:15

    Pięknie!!! Porto dopiszę sobie do podróżniczej listy marzeń:)

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    HoTell Me More
    30/03/2015 at 06:29

    wszyscy się dziwili czemu do Porto z Lizbony, a nie na południe – ale wybór był słuszny i na pewno nie żałuję :)

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    Sarah Hughes
    30/03/2015 at 07:45

    I have been to Portugal and am actually planning a trip for May!

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    Olka Zagórska
    30/03/2015 at 08:18

    Potro nadal jest na liście miejsc do zobaczenia, ale choć w nim nie byłam, to i tak niezwykle mi się podoba :)

  • Reply
    Paulina Muszyńska
    30/03/2015 at 08:42

    Jak pięknie!

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    Agnieszka Poznanska
    30/03/2015 at 09:29

    Porto to klasyka, przepiękne, zawsze interesujące :)

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    Maciek Szarski
    30/03/2015 at 10:06

    byłem i bardzo Porto polubiłem :)

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    Paula Maria Gorecka
    30/03/2015 at 10:47

    Mieszkałam tam :)

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    Journey Wonders
    30/03/2015 at 11:22

    Portugal looks incredible, can’t wait to be back there this summer! :D

  • Reply
    30/03/2015 at 13:25

    Hi Kami,
    Any time you get to the neighborhoods where the laundry hangs from balconies, you know you’re off the beaten path. And your charming photos present a beautiful — and wide-ranging — view of this intriguing city. Portugal has been on my list for a long time, so thanks for your very pretty reminder that Porto must be moved up to the top!
    Wishing you safe and happy travels,

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 21:59

      Thank you for your lovely comment Josie! I really hope you will get to visit Portugal soon, it’s such an amazing country and Porto is just the prettiest!

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    Anna Collins
    30/03/2015 at 14:28

    Some amazing photos of Porto, I love the way some old buildings in Portugal have beautiful tiles on the outside of them…I’ve been to Tavira twice now on holiday, just 20 minutes or so across the border from Spain and absolutely love the place. It takes us around 3.5 to 4 hours by car coming from Malaga, Spain and is so laid back with some fantastic restaurants and beautiful beaches.

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:04

      I’ve heard Tavira is really great too, must visit in one day! It’s so cool you live so near Portugal. I’m always fascinated how different these two countries are, even if they are next to each other!

  • Reply
    Yvonne Ivanescu
    30/03/2015 at 13:58

    Porto is definitely on my list. Is it true that everything there is much cheaper than many other European cities?

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    Dave Briggs
    30/03/2015 at 17:40

    Still planning to go… photos look awesome!

  • Reply
    Arthur Neumann
    30/03/2015 at 18:44

    Może za rok, jako następny cel podróży (Y)

  • Reply
    30/03/2015 at 20:54

    OK, sold! Next time we go to Portugal, we’ll definitely visit Porto. I know what you mean about western Europe being predictable, though, but you’re right, Portugal is unique in that regard somehow! As always Kami, beautiful pictures!

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:05

      Thank you Sam! :) you definitely should head to Porto next time! It’s so different than Lisbon but still amazing, I actually can’t decided which one I like better ;)

  • Reply
    31/03/2015 at 07:15

    Porto is indeed amazing! We’ve sepent there few days two years ago and I still have some lovely memories form walking its narrow strrets. I can definitely agree with a popular saying – Lisbon boasts and Porto works – the city has its own vibe and edgy every day style and we loved it!

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:16

      I must admit I didn’t know that saying before but it’s so accurate! Wandering around is probably the best thing one can do in Porto! :)

  • Reply
    31/03/2015 at 09:06

    Thank you for this post Kami! I will be in Porto this autumn and can’t wait. I’ve been curious about this city for quite a while now. It looks amazing.

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:17

      I’m sure you will love it there! Porto is pretty spectacular!

  • Reply
    Asia | Byłem tu. Tony Halik.
    31/03/2015 at 10:15

    I really love Porto. Kondi hasn’t been there yet, just in Lisboa, but I have to take him there some day!
    First country? I guess Slovakia on our roadtrip to Itally in 1995 or so :)

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:20

      you definitely take him there, it’s too amazing city to miss!
      Ah, Slovakia! It was my 4th trip abroad ;) It’s fascinating how we remember such things!

  • Reply
    31/03/2015 at 19:25

    Love, love, love! I think I’ll be in Portugal this year (end of summer) and I’ve been looking into porto thinking it could be cool…your pictures just bumped that thought up a notch for me!

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:21

      Oh go there!!! you’ll love it, it’s an incredible city!!

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    Marcin Wesołowski
    31/03/2015 at 19:58

    Od końca 2013 roku, kiedy pierwszy raz odwiedziliśmy Portugalię, powtarzam sobie, żeby w końcu tam wrócić. Do tej pory tylko Lizbona i okolice, ale mam w planach konretne kierunki w tym kraju – Azory i Maderę. A że czasami taniej lecieć przez Porto, to może i na to miasto znajdę czas, bo wygląda naprawdę fajnie! Pozdrawiam!

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:22

      Porto jest fantastyczne! Ciągle nie mogę się zdecydować które miasto wolę, ale coraz bardzie jednak się ku Porto chyba skłaniam. Poszukaj lotów, żeby tam mieć przesiadkę, naprawdę warto!!

  • Reply
    01/04/2015 at 07:34

    You’re right, it is an extremely photogenic place! But you are a very talented photographer and I think that you captured the essence of Porto brilliantly! :)

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:23

      Thank you for you sweet words! I wouldn’t call myself a good photographer, it’s just Porto that did a good job here! :)

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    Mucha w sieci
    01/04/2015 at 16:01

    Jest pranie, wąskie uliczki i małe kamieniczki – czyli miejsce dla mnie! Ciągnie mnie do tego Porto, a jak przychodzi co do czego, to nigdy nie trafiam na żaden tani bilet…

    • Reply
      07/04/2015 at 22:24

      ha, mam tak z paroma miejscami!! ;) Wypatruj wypatruj, bo naprawdę warto!

  • Reply
    01/04/2015 at 16:22

    I totally see what you mean with Western Europe being to predictable after a while. I grew up there that’s why when I travelled it always needed to be to somewhere far and ‘exotic’. I’ve only started to pick up interest since I moved to Asia/South America. Western Europe is now my new exotic! I must say, I did find Portugal quite different from the rest of W.E. Porto is stunning indeed! I wish I had known the streets where so slanted, I would have packed more appropriate shoes and probably would have seen more of the city! :)

    • Reply
      29/04/2015 at 23:36

      You’re right, Portugal is much different than the rest of Western Europe, probably that’s why I enjoyed it so much! And Porto is just stunning, I’d put it among most beautiful cities in Europe! I’ve seen most of Western Europe few years ago so now I don’t really need to return there, there’re so many other more interesting places around! but it’s very often like you say – we need to go away to appreciate the place :)

  • Reply
    01/04/2015 at 18:04

    Porto zazwyczaj kojarzyło mi się z winem. Nie to, żebym był jego wielkim miłośnikiem, ale widzę, że Porto trzeba dodać do listy miejsc, które trzeba zobaczyć i wrażenia pozostaną nie na języku lecz w pamięci. Zdecydowanie ładne miasto z klimatem, który zapewne mi się spodoba.
    Jak tam dojadę, to podzielę się wrażeniami :)

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:19

      zdecydowanie polecam! wino winem, ale miasto mega daje radę i chyba zaryzykuje stwierdzenie, że podobałoby Ci się! niech jedzie!

  • Reply
    Ron | Active Planet Travels
    01/04/2015 at 19:06

    Lovely photos, I’ve never been to Porto but it looks very cultural and full of history. The first country I traveled to outside the US was Costa Rica. It was a fantastic experience, lasting about a month, and I was bitten by the travel bug ever since! :-) lol

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:33

      Costa Rica sounds fabulous! I still have to go to that area but I’ve heard so much about it I’m not surprised you’ve got the travel bug there! Hopefully you will visit Portugal soon too, it’s pretty amazing!

  • Reply
    Meg Jerrard
    01/04/2015 at 21:27

    I also feel like Western Europe in many cases has become predictable, though I LOVE your photos from Porto, and I would love to have the opportunity to visit one day if I can. It’s definitely on my list, thanks Kami!!

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:34

      Fingers crossed you will go there soon Meg! Portugal is pretty amazing and still doesn’t feel like Western Europe! I’m sure you’ll love it!

  • Reply
    01/04/2015 at 22:13

    Nice set of photos!! I like the one with the seagull and all the bottles, haha! He had a rough night out. I also really like the one with the laundry hanging over the balcony – the colours of the clothing totally pops against the building!

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:36

      Porto is full of such picturesque corners and laundry is hanging just about everywhere! :) The seagull was so funny! Shortly after I took the picture it broke one of the bottles ;)

  • Reply
    Sammi Wanderlustin'
    02/04/2015 at 10:11

    I lived in Portugal as a [very] small child. I actually lived in the Algarve. I have been thinking about returning for a short break in the next month or so, and am stuck between going to Porto or Lisbon (in the end I think the flight prices will be the decider)!

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:39

      Ah, it must have been amazing to live in such a beautiful place! Did you decide to go to Portugal after all? Where to? Portugal is always a good idea!

  • Reply
    02/04/2015 at 11:13

    I love that Porto has retained so much colonial charm, some of the streets are like stepping back into another era! (if you can imagine all the cars are gone, that is!)

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:40

      Exactly! for most of the time I felt like I stepped back in time there!

  • Reply
    Jon Dunn
    02/04/2015 at 22:44

    Stunning set of photos, Kami.
    I’ve been to Lisbon, around the south and up as far north as Coimbra – but never to Porto.
    Love the ‘old school’ barges carrying wooden casks of port! <3

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:41

      thank you!
      You really should return to Portugal and head north as Porto is pretty amazing! (well, so is the rest of the country :))

  • Reply
    Adventuring The Great Wide Somewhere
    04/04/2015 at 00:40

    Gorgeous! I think you’re right, it may be impossible to take a bad photo in such a beautiful place!

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:41

      it really is impossible, the city is just too pretty for that!

  • Reply
    06/04/2015 at 06:40

    Lol–I love the bird with all the bottles! Porto looks like a great town. I really want to visit Portugal, and this made me want to go even more!

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:43

      you definitely should go there! It’s probably my fave country in Western Europe and it’s so much different than the rest of the continent (in a good way!)

  • Reply
    Wiola Starczewska
    07/04/2015 at 11:36

    Ja też jeżdżę to Porto fotografować pranie na sznurkach:) Najlepsze, że całe życie Porto było dla mnie dalekim miastem, do którego łapie się tanie loty na Rynair, a teraz mam do niego tylko godzinkę drogi. Oczywiście, jeszcze raz ci wypomnę, że nie odwiedziłaś mnie.

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:44

      no właśnie, nie wiem skąd sobie wkręciłam, że to bliżej niz godzina jest ;) a pranie na sznurkach najlepsze! nie wiem czy widziałam lepsze miejsce do focenia prania!

  • Reply
    Jessica @ Green Global Travel
    19/04/2015 at 19:39

    Wow, you’re right– the city of Porto is absolutely beautiful! I especially love the unique architecture and the row of trees lining the wide pathway. Great photos!

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:45

      Thank you! :)

  • Reply
    Escape Hunter
    29/04/2015 at 20:47

    It’s a lovely, fantastic place. I adored the vintage feel. Porto scored so high on my “favourite cities” list, I was amazed at first…

    • Reply
      30/04/2015 at 03:45

      I felt exactly the same! :)

  • Reply
    prabhjot singh
    24/02/2016 at 09:14

    Its awesome city. I’ve never been there it but hope to visit one day.

    • Reply
      26/02/2016 at 21:24

      I hope so too!

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