Monthly Archives

July 2014

  • Armenia

    Exploring province of Lori, Armenia

    Last Updated on 15/05/2024 by kami After the excellent tour to Aragatsotn region I was excited to discover more places to visit in Armenia. My second choice for a daytrip was…

  • Jordan

    Wadi Rum desert in pictures

    Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami I’ve never been really interested in visiting deserts. Sand is not my thing, it’s way too annoying and gets literally everywhere – it just drives…

  • Greece

    Alternative Athens

    Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami Athens happened to be the most surprising destination I visited this year (so far).  I was expecting a tatty, dirty capital, slightly dangerous and torn…

  • Armenia

    Art in Yerevan in pictures

    Last Updated on 15/05/2024 by kami One of the reasons why I liked Yerevan so much and the thing that at first surprised me a lot there was an overwhelming number…

  • Germany

    Alternative Berlin

    Last Updated on 04/01/2024 by kami During each of my visits in Berlin I’m amazed by how fast the city changes, how unique it becomes and how it is now an…

  • Poland

    Kaszuby, Poland in pictures

    Last Updated on 28/05/2024 by kami As much as I like exploring new, far away places I’m a huge fan of discovering my own country too. Poland is so big and…

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