Last Updated on 05/02/2023 by kami
Isfahan was supposed to be my highlight of Iran. Everyone just kept raving about how amazing this place is and I kind of believed them! Isfahan, Iran is often called one of the most beautiful cities you will ever see and its name in Persian means “half the world”. After these recommendations I had my expectations really high! And I enjoyed Isfahan, I really did. But I wasn’t as impressed as the majority of people who have been there before me and wasn’t blown away as I expected. Isfahan was beautiful, that’s for sure, but it definitely wasn’t the best place I visited in Iran.
I arrived from Yazd to Isfahan on sultry afternoon, right in the peak hours. Getting from the bus station to my Couchsurfing hosts’ place was already a challenge in the busy traffic but some hour later I finally arrived. After a short getting to know each other time we’ve decided to go for a walk so I could get a little glimpse of Isfahan. It was early evening and together with Azadeh and Hassan we headed to the Armenian Quarter. I was slightly disappointed, I must admit (after all Armenia has a special place in my heart, for the reason I can’t even recall) but it was still really pleasant and the area was a perfect introduction to great Isfahan. I especially enjoyed a small charming tea house, it was the kind of place I wish I had back at home. From the Armenian quarter it was only few steps to the riverside and famous Isfahan bridges. It was already dark but the park along the Zayanderud river was full of people: walking, cycling or just having a picnic – probably the favorite pastime activity of Iranian people. We walked a lot, enjoying the laid-back atmosphere, admiring beautiful Isfahan bridges and talking about life in Iran and in Poland. My hosts were in the same age as I am, we were at similar stages in life so those conversation let me get to know the country in a best possible way. Like always nothing is black or white… My age-mates like their lives in Iran, they have good jobs, they travel the world but still it’s not easy with all the musts and don’ts that the country is so full of. It was the best evening I’ve had in Iran and it ended with a glass of homemade wine, similar to the one I remember my grandmother used to make.
Finally planning a trip to Iran is so much easier! I remember how much I’ve struggled not being able to plan anything ahead. Fortunately it has changed!
- Get your insurance for Iran here! (you will need it for the visa anyway)
- Book accommodation in Iran!
- Book domestic flights in Iran here!
- Book your bus connections in Iran here!
- Get help with your visa application and authorisation code here!
Happy Iran travels!
Highlights of Isfahan, Iran
Next morning my hosts went to work and I set off to discover Isfahan. I needed to cross the incredible Bridge of 33 Arches and it looked even more stunning in the day light. Rows of (what seemed like) countless arches and the water blasting below – this place really deserve all the hype! But still Isfahan was nothing like I imagined. The city was busy, chaotic, reminded me of Shiraz a little bit. However the closer I was getting to the heart of Isfahan – Naqsh-e Jahan Square – the vibe around me was changing. Suddenly it was much calmer and there seemed to be less people. The moment I stepped from one of the narrow streets into the main square of Isfahan I understood why everyone is so crazy about it. Naqsh-e Jahan Square really could take the breath away! The square is enormous (second biggest one in the world after Beijing’s Tiananmen) and its southern side is dominated by beautiful Imam Mosque. The neat row of arches with richly decorated gate topped with minarets and a beautiful dome peaking from behind is probably the most photographed and shared picture of Iran and it surely is so famous for a reason! The building is a true masterpiece of Persian architecture, listed on UNESCO World Heritage List. That’s where I headed first, it was the most obvious choice. The view from the Naqsh-e Jahan Square is just the foretaste! Inside the mosque is just as stunning as from the outside, so abundant with ornaments that you just don’t know where to look, not wanting to miss a single detail. When standing in the middle of the main hall you can play with the voices, the sound is playing around like the echo in the mountains. Unfortunately during my visit the big part of the complex was under renovations so I couldn’t really check every single corner. Still what I’ve managed to see really impressed me, it was probably the biggest mosque I’ve ever seen, but it wasn’t as spectacular as the Pink Mosque in Shiraz.
It could have been the early hour, still before noon, but the square was fairly empty. Few school trips loitered around the Imam Mosque, a handful of tourists were wandering around, taking pictures of this one of a kind place but that’s about it. Probably that’s why the Naqsh-e Jahan Square seemed to be even more enormous, it felt like it’s at least one kilometer long, from the Imam Mosque to the bazaar’s entrance. While walking through the square I was stopping every few steps, taking yet another picture – that’s how picturesque the place was!
When entering the bazaar I was kind of hoping to get lost as it seemed like a perfect place for aimless wandering around. And I almost did it! When I was close to not knowing where exactly I am I suddenly found myself in the Naqsh-e Jahan Square again! As for the bazaar – it was a typical one for Iran. Full of just about everything, with maze of alleys, topped with beautiful high ceilings and heading in all possible directions, small squares with fountains in the middle and shops hidden in the arches. I also came across the part dedicated to tourists only, where you could but some (overpriced) Iran souvenirs. The bazaar was a fairly pleasant place but to be honest the one in Kashan impressed me the most.
When, to my big surprise, I exited the bazaar to Naqsh-e Jahan Square, I could see huge dark clouds gathering at the horizon. This could mean anything good, I had to quickly find a place to hide. I entered one of the back streets where a recommended ice cream shop was supposed to be only to be forced to stop in the pizza place on the way. The huge rain made me try how the pizza in Iran tastes (it wasn’t that bad!) and the saffron ice-cream I had eventually were pretty delicious too! After this forcible lunch stop I was read to explore Naqsh-e Jahan Square some more! It seemed like even more people are around after the rain, I however headed right to Ali Qapu Palace. I must say I was expecting something better but at least the view all over the Naqsh-e Jahan Square and Imam Mosque was really spectacular. It’s worth to visit the palace just for this sight, only from this perspective you can see how enormous the place is! Too bad part of the balcony with the view was closed for the renovation and I could admire just the southern side of the square. In the hall on the top floor of the palace I could see incredible wooden ornaments, some of the most beautiful I’ve seen in Iran. Not only they are special for the unusual material that was used but the patterns are really beautiful too!
Amazing bridges of Isfahan, Iran
It’s easy to spend the whole day only at Naqsh-e Jahan Square and to get lost in its beauty and atmosphere. The square is especially vibrant at dusk, it becomes a main arena for picnics so beloved by Iranians. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay there that long, I only had one day in the city and there were still plenty of things I wanted to see in Isfahan. From the Naqsh-e Jahan Square I returned to the riverside to properly see two remaining bridges – Khaju Bridge and Joui bridge. And again they impressed me, a lot! Both were a true engineering masterpiece and sitting at the steps of Khaju Bridge and staring at the water below was just enchanting! I’m not surprised Isfahan bridges are so famous and a reason itself to visit the city! It seemed like the bridges and the area around were also the favorite hanging out spots for people of Isfahan. Both in the early afternoon and in the evening the riverside was full of people at all ages, just relaxing there and having a good time. Isfahan is such a vibrant city, no doubts about that!
My only “wow moment” in Iran
For the end I left the icing on the cake (as it turned out later on) – the Armenian quarter. I wanted to see it one more time, without any rushing, in my own way. I headed to the Vank Cathedral and it was the only time during my whole trip to Iran when I had the “wow moment”! My breath was taken away, literally, and it wasn’t for magnificent Persian monuments. This little inconspicuous sanctuary was the most unexpected place I happened to visit in Iran! The numerous churches and monasteries I visited in Armenia were always very modest and even stark inside but Vank Cathedral was different. I wasn’t prepared for what I’m about to see and as soon as I stepped inside I was awestruck, standing with my jaw dropped. The interior looked like from a fairy tale with incredible paintings, carvings and tile work. Even if the cathedral is fairly small I spent at least 15 minutes there, trying to take it all in and to remember every single detail. The place didn’t want to let me go either, the sky just opened and a huge thunderstorm started. I was locked in the Armenian museum next to the cathedral and had more than enough time to read and admire every single artifact collected there. And again I couldn’t be any more prouder when I saw a Polish flag – one of the countries that recognize the Armenian genocide (I was in Iran couple of days after the centennial of these tragic events).
At this point I had to call in a day, all these walking around combined with rain made me just so exhausted. I spent a really lovely evening with my hosts and their friends and in the morning those friends were kind enough to drive me to my last destination in Iran – Kashan.
Is it worth to visit Isfahan, Iran?
Isfahan is stunning and can easily be considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, there are no doubts about that. But it didn’t impress me as much as I expected. I guess I prepared myself too well for this trip and had the same situation like so many people visiting Paris or New York. They know the place so good from the movies, books and internet that when they finally get there the place looks so familiar the excitement is gone. And that was my problem with Isfahan too. As soon as I saw the famous bridges or Naqsh-e Jahan Square I felt like I’ve been there before. And since Isfahan was my second to last stop in Iran I lacked the novelty, the mosque or bazaar didn’t impress me as much as they should have. What I remember the most from Isfahan were the people. That’s where I met the most friendly and generous people in the whole country! My Couchsurfing hosts, sellers in the shops or just random Iranians met on the streets – all of them were incredibly nice and those meetings and conversations are still very vivid in my memory. And this is why after all Isfahan was a very important place for me, even if for the reasons I didn’t expect at all!
With over 15 years of independent travelling I’ve learnt which websites and services are the best when planning a trip. I always use and trust following websites:
Accommodation – Finally it’s possible to book accommodation in Iran online (that’s what I’ve strugled with the most during my trip). You can do that at 1stQuest website. Click here to see the hotels and book the place for yourself!
Insurance – I never travel without the insurance as you never know what might happen on the road (I’ve learnt my lesson). In Iran you need to get the insurance from the local agency and you have to have one for the visa anyway. Fortunately you can do it online! Click here to check the options and book your insurance for the trip to Iran!
Day tours in Iran – I do go for a day trips when I travel as often they are the most convenient way to see the place that save you time and money. Click here to see and book the best day tours in Iran
If you think of visiting Iran or want to read more about the country take a look at what else I wrote about the place:
- Solo female travel in Iran
- Visit Iran – practical information
- Yazd, Iran – the most beautiful desert town I’ve seen
- and more!
If you’re looking for articles about any place in particular this map with posts might be useful for you. Or just take a look at the “destinations” page.
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24/03/2016 at 21:36I quite enjoyed Isfahan, but I must admit I liked Kashan bazaar better, as well :)
13/04/2016 at 11:53it was pretty amazing, wasn’t it :) ?
Magdalena Bodnari
25/03/2016 at 06:47Po pierwsze wydaje mi się, że zawsze te must see places są trochę rozczarowujące, no bo się za dużo po nich spodziewamy. Po drugie, ludzie. Na Bliski i Środkowym Wschodzie oni są chyba kluczowym zachwytem. Już Ci nie raz pisałam, że Iran jest moim wielkim marzeniem, jak drugi podrośnie to jedziemy! Tylko nie wiem jak z dziećmi spełnię największe irańskie marzenie, czyli przejazd na dachu autobusu przez Wielką Pustynię Słoną.
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:56no coś w tym jest, za dużo wszędzie informacji o tych atrakcjach, że na miejscu brakuje elementu zaskoczenia. No i ludzie tak bardzo tak! Nawet nie zauważysz, a już będziesz pakowała tobołki do Iranu! a i autobus pewnie da się ogarnąć tak, żeby było dobrze :)
Ewa Wilczyńska-Saj
25/03/2016 at 07:52Muszę kiedyś sama się przekonać, bo zdjęcia z posta pustki nie pokazują ;) są obłędne!! A efekt wow, hm… ‘muszę kiedyś sama się przekonać’ ;)))
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:58to co, kolejny cel podróży Iran? ;)
Ewa Wilczyńska-Saj
29/03/2016 at 16:33Jest w top 10 aktualnie, więc kto wie?… ;)
Natalia Fraś
25/03/2016 at 08:36Czasem tak bywa, że miasto jest piękne, ale brakuje mu “duszy”. Znam to uczucie doskonale ;) Isfahan wygląda jakby duszę miał ogromną, ale to muszę się sama przekonać!
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:56no wygląda bardzo przyzwoicie, ale właśnie tej duszy mi zabrakło. a może miałam pecha? jedź koniecznie i zweryfikuj moje słowa :)
Joanna Łukasiewicz
25/03/2016 at 08:44mnie tam się wszystkie miejsca ze zdjęć spodobały.. :) może dlatego, że to nieodkryta przeze mnie “egzotyka”.. ;]
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:58miejsca na pewno robią wrażenie, ale po paru dniach i te piękne detale powszednieją :) jak chyba wszędzie :)
Oliwia Ollie
25/03/2016 at 09:17Ta architektura i te zdobienia…mogłabym oglądać zdjęcia godzinami. Piękne. I to wszystko w jednym mieście… Kusisz Kamila ;)
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:58to pomyśl, że takich miejsc w Iranie sporo. fotograficzne eldorado!
Mariusz Stachowiak
25/03/2016 at 10:12Nawet jak się człowiek rozczaruje to przynajmniej wie jak tam jest. Czytam więc o Twoim rozczarowaniu :)
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:57dokładnie tak :) zawsze lepiej pojechać i się rozczarować niż nie zobaczyć wcale :)
Zbigniew Nowak
25/03/2016 at 10:56Nie byłem , wrażenie : smutno, zastój , ‘ coś wisi w powietrzu ‘ artykuł nie za bardzo zachęca do odwiedzenia.Ja bym dał tytuł ‘Iran przed wojną’ Tak czuję.Oby nie. :)
Kami and the rest of the world
29/03/2016 at 13:57oby nie. a w powietrzu wisiała burza i może przez nią miasto mnie nie przekonało, klimat gdzieś zniknął.
Kasia & Victor Sanchez
26/03/2016 at 23:48Kami, that’s funny – today we’ve flown out from Iran and are currently waiting for our connecting flight in Dubai and few hours ago I started to work on the text about Isfahan. My impressions are very like yours. Beautiful city, but I wouldn’t come back. There are many places in Iran we’re already planing to re-visit (in particular Kurdistan, desert around Kerman and Masr, probably Yazd), but neither Shiraz nor Isfahan are among them. Maybe it’s also because we were there during No Ruz, but Shiraz didn’t impress us at all. We basically ran from the city, of course after seeing Persepolis. Have you been to the Tabriz bazaar? It was the first bazaar we saw in Iran and each bazaar we saw afterwards seemed just so… little authentic and with no soul.
13/04/2016 at 12:07I’m glad I’m not the only one here as I felt like some kind of weirdo for not enjoying Isfahan all that much. I definitely loved Yazd and would love to return there. And also see other places you’ve mentioned (especially Kurdistan)! Hopefully one day!
27/09/2019 at 12:37hi dear friend.i am a teenager from isfahan.unfortunately tabriz bazaar recently was arsonized and it is no more available.
27/03/2016 at 20:47The bridge of 33 Arches! That would definitely be a “WOOOOW” moment for me, especially in the evening. I can’t resist writing a little remark here about you not being overly “wowed” by Isfahan. Isn’t it the case that when you travel as much as you do, you kind of get “immune” to the beauty new places have to offer? That’s something I’ve heard from numerous travellers, they admitted that after a certain point, they just stopped marvelling at the new places as much as they used to earlier. Saying this because this city looks incredibly amazing to me. ;-)
13/04/2016 at 12:10no, I don’t think that’s the case. It’s more about how easily available all the pictures and information are, that we can prepare very well before visiting the place and so when we finally get there it just feels like we already know it. Isfahan was really amazing and beautiful but exactly like I expected. The Vank cathedral was a big surprise to me and probably that’s why I had this wow moment there.
14/05/2019 at 15:15If you ask me, the only reason you had a ‘wow’ moment there is because you didn’t expect to see a cathedral in Iran(not because of its breathtaking beauty). Not trying to be offensive at all.
Also, don’t forget Isfahan has an extremely rich back round and many of the structures you saw were 400 to 500 years old… One of the bridges has over 2000 years of age.
It’s more ideal to visit Isfahan with more knowledge about the place beforehand(not just some textbook and pictures found on the net).
25/06/2019 at 16:49I have to disagree with you. I was and am well aware of the history and the buildings in Isfahan. And I didn’t have to fall in love with the city, not everyone does. As for the cathedral, it’s not about what I expected or didn’t expect to see, it was really different and much more beautiful than other Armenian churches I’ve seen before (and there were many of them).
28/03/2016 at 10:49Jak O jest że wszyscy w Iranie odwiedzają piękne miejsca, meczety i w ogóle tyle tego, a ja w Iranie chyba w żadnym meczecie nie byłem… :p w sumie nie ważne wspominam fantastycznie Iran… :)
13/04/2016 at 12:12chyba jestes jedyną osobą, która nie odwiedziła absolutnie żadnego meczetu w Iranie ;) ale i tak koniec końców liczą się wspomnienia :)
Paulina | Mucha w sieci
29/03/2016 at 15:00Ja się w Isfahanie bawiłam fantastycznie! I to tak bardzo, że byłam tam aż 2 razy :)
13/04/2016 at 12:15fajnie :)
Magdalena Nieścierowicz
29/03/2016 at 21:43Czasem tak jest, że miejsca znamy za dobrze ze zdjęć i opowieści i może nas nic nie zaskoczyć. Dlatego czasem lepiej tak dokładnie nie planować, pójść inną ścieżką, zaskoczyć się. Isfahan jest fascynującym miejscem, pewnie, że chciałabym to zobaczyć na własne oczy :)
13/04/2016 at 12:16ja właśnie miałam ten Iran na spontanie i z dnia na dzień decydowałam co dalej, ale są miejsca o których po prostu dużo się wie i dla mnie taki też był Isfahan. Co nie zmienia faktu, że miasto super i zdecydowanie polecam!
Nadia vs. the World
30/03/2016 at 08:56Imam Mosque – what a beauty! Isfahan looks like an interesting an vibrant place. I would love to go there.
13/04/2016 at 12:18I hope you will have a chance one day!
30/03/2016 at 09:35Zdjęcia wyglądają zachęcająco, generalnie nie miałem okazji być jeszcze w tej części świata (w maju wybieram się do Gaziantepu w Turcji) ale siostra Kasi stopowała w zeszłym roku po Iranie i generalnie bardzo podobało się jej to państwo i zachwalała. Iran na pewno jest na liście miejsc do odwiedzenia, na razie jeszcze w dalszej niezidentyfikowanej przyszłości, ale muszę pamiętać o sytuacji w regionie i o tym, że może okazać się że za kilka lat nie będzie co oglądać więc trzeba się pospieszyć :)
13/04/2016 at 13:03w Iranie jest bezpiecznie i póki co nie ma żadnego zagrożenia, więc chyba nie ma co tak katastroficznych wizji snuć. a kraj zdecydowanie polecam, i to im szybciej tym lepiej, zanim zmieni się za bardzo. A o Turcji też intensywnie myślę, może w tym roku jeszcze się uda, więc jestem ciekawa Twoich wrażeń
21/11/2016 at 14:41Thank you for the interesting account. Actually, the name Esfahan (Isfahan) does not mean “Half of the world.” There is the Persian saying “Esfahan: nesfe jahan!” which rhymes the words “Esfahan” and “jahan” (Persian for “world”) and means: “Esfahan: half of the world!”
03/12/2016 at 20:34Thank you for clarifying! I always read that Half of the world is what Esfahan means.
27/11/2016 at 14:41Esfahan (or as I prefer its original name Sepahan, not affected by the language of Muslim invaders)has actually a mesmerizing effect on me. I enjoy being there and just walk in its sidewalks and breathe its air.
03/12/2016 at 21:02I might have been expecting too much from the city, that’s why I didn’t enjoy it as much as I should. But I would love to return there!
08/08/2017 at 20:23Disapointed about Isfahan ! An advice stop travelling !
21/08/2017 at 20:00that’s a silly advice ;) I have a right to be a disappointed with a place, just like every other person!
russell richardson
21/11/2017 at 04:27Nice piece, but excuse me, I really don’t understand why you say you were disappointed. Even your text is about how amazing and wonderful the city is (and the people). OK, it rained once. :( Big deal. And a couple of places were under reconstruction, so you couldnt go into every single corner (ever try that in new york?) :) So, even though you warned us, you really didn’t sound so disappointed. maybe just tired? Anyway, thanks for the great photos.
27/12/2017 at 17:53I think you didn’t really understand my disappointment. It wasn’t about the rain or constructions, just about the place being so present in the Iran informations available prior the trip while I found other places in Iran so much more interesting. But still thank you for kind words about the text and pictures :)
05/10/2020 at 12:45You can get a sense of the deeply indignant character of Iranians from many of the comments below where they just cant accept that perhaps not all of the world is as mesmerized by their cities as they are ! So silly, and I have persian roots so I know very well this indignation. First thank you for your curiosity, for visiting, the beautiful pictures, and sharing your trip. You are completely entitled to what you think, and you gave a very balances PoV. The problem is in many of big cities in Iran, there is a young population is OBSESSED with westernizing, so the most beautiful parts of the cities/historical areas etc., for me always seem more oriented towards tourists and a little soul-less at times. This is just my personal opinion. The urban planning is poor, cities are crowded, hectic, and yes I feel you there is not the magical feeling one would expect. I had this same feeling in NYC, London, just felt it was overrated. In Iran, I found the country-side, mountains, natural scenery much more worthy of visiting. However what I love in Isphahan and especially in Tehran is discovering the local culture, meaning just spending a few days discovering local cafes, restaurants, etc., there is a lot to offer in that sense if that is of interest. But visually the mountains, country-side, ‘shamal’ in Persian is so special and are the destinations that most locals choose to visit. Those are views and sceneries that are magical.
12/10/2020 at 20:42Thank you for your comment, Daria. I think my issue with Isfahan as well as yours with NYC or London was the so-called “Paris syndrome” – those places are so popular in the culture they feel normal when we actually get there. I still enjoyed Isfahan, I just didn’t have the wow moment as I expected (and everyone told me I would have). But those random places and small things, rather than the main sights, made the place really interesting for me. There are so many great places in Iran and I only had the time to see the most popular ones (as I always start with those, they are popular for a reason). I really hope I will be able to come back to Iran and see more of the country. All the best!
29/11/2020 at 00:12why do you have negative comments about Isfahan? be positive if you want to enjoy your life more
03/12/2020 at 14:50Thank you, I’m enjoying life pretty much but it doesn’t mean I have to like every single place I visit and I have every right not be crazy excited about Isfahan when there were other places in Iran I actually liked more.
29/02/2024 at 03:54Isfahan is overrated. agree with you, my personal experience i like Shiraz better..
until i extend my trip in Shiraz.
04/03/2024 at 21:33I was slightly disappointed with Shiraz too but I can’t even explain why. Still, I wouldn’t mind returning there. Hopefully, one day!