
Off the path Poland: Museum of Mazovian Countryside in Sierpc

Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami

I do like quirky places, a lot, I think you already know this by following my journeys. So when I went for a daytrip to Płock I just had to visit nearby Sierpc where open-air Museum of Mazovian Countryside is located. To be honest I’ve never been really interested in the village life, especially the one from the past but this place looked so beautiful on the pictures and I’ve heard so many good things about it that I just had to check what it’s all about. I wasn’t disappointed at all!

Sierpc is a small town located at the far north-west of Mazovia region, some 120kms away from Warsaw. There’re not too many interesting sights to see but the Museum makes up for it big time. Founded almost 40 years ago now is a home to over 80 architectonic pieces, such as a church, a windmill, manor-house or simple houses together with all the surrounding buildings that were used back in the XIX/beginning of XX century. The whole area is huge and visiting it takes a while but it’s not a wasted time!

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My walk around the Museum was like a travel back in time. I felt like I’m transfered back over 100 years and I could get to know the rural life back then. It was definitely an interesting journey and I learnt so much in these few hours (and also figured out how ignorant I’ve been…). Thanks to this visit I also developed a small interest the open-air ethnographic museums and I’m already planning to visit few more here in Poland in the next months! 

Now let me take you for a walk around the picturesque, old-times Mazovian village






















Do you like visiting ethnograpic sites and open-air museums?


sierpc pin (1)       sierpc pin (2)

If you think of visiting Poland or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it!

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    11/03/2015 at 11:32

    Oh, Kami! It’s on my folk-list! Never been in this Polish skansen before.
    Beautiful pictures! Next time let me know before going to such folk place, ’cause I’m going with you :)

    • Reply
      06/04/2015 at 21:50

      you definitely should go when you have a chance, it’s amazing out there! And there were hardly any people around which made everything even better! I will definitely let you know when I go to another skansen, I have pretty many of them on my list :)

  • Reply
    11/03/2015 at 21:18

    ha! to teraz uważaj, bo: rodzina mojej mamy jest z sierpca. i mieszkali, jeśli sie nie mylę a moja mama nie ściemna – w tym pierwszym bialym domu.
    bylam może ze 2-3 razy na skansenie, ale jako dzieciaka/nastolatkę, mało co mnie tam interesowało. teraz inaczej bym podeszła do tematu. nadrobię latem, mysle.

    a powiedz jeszcze co w płocku widziałas? bo to z kolei moje miasto.

    • Reply
      06/04/2015 at 21:55

      o proszę! w sumie uroczo byłoby w takim domku mieszkać (ale pewnie tak na chwilę, na wywczas). A też pamiętam jak mnie niesamowicie nudziły skanseny jak w szkole nas ciągali, a teraz uważam, że to świetna atrakcja! Jedź koniecznie jak bedziesz miała okazję! :)
      A w Płocku to w sumie niewiele widziałam – standardowo starówka, i to co na dole, i mostem się przeszłam. Ale z chęcią bym wróciła murali poszukac, może w tym roku się uda! Wtedy na pewno o jakiś mini przewodnik po muralach się uśmiechnę :)

  • Reply
    Wm. Slawinski
    13/06/2024 at 15:15

    Hi, my name is Mr. Wm. Slawinski and woukd love to visit this town in Poland. We are trying to locate in Sierpc any Birth or Death Records of my Great-Great-Grandfather: Paul Slawinski who was a Farmer here around 1840-1900.

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