
New Year walk along Vistula in Warsaw

Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami

Bright, shining sun and perfectly clear blue sky woke me up on New Year’s Day. It was still fairly early, 11am, and I felt surprisingly fine, considering what day it was. I tried to sleep a little bit more but eventually decided it’s a huge shame to waste such a lovely day. No matter how much staying in bed and reading a book seemed attractive I thought it’s so much better to go outside and enjoy a lovely weather. There was only one question – where to go?

There are couple of outdoor places in Warsaw I enjoy spending time in so the choice was really hard. It actually took me an hour or so to decide where to go, the precious time I could spend already outside. But eventually I’ve decided exploring the path along the Vistula river seems like the best idea.

The walking/cycling/running/cross-country skiing path is a new attraction in Warsaw. It was opened in spring 2011 to encourage inhabitants to spend time more actively. The whole path is almost 10kms long and connects south and north parts of the city, along the riverside. It’s said that it’s the only wild riverside bank in European capital where people can be close to the nature and that what makes it so unique and special. There’re lots of interesting and fun places along the way: couple of beaches, a playground, ski-rental, rope course. In the summer time beaches are full of people sunbathing, playing beach volleyball, sipping drinks in bars…

It’s not that lively at this time of the year but still the path makes a perfectly enjoyable walk. I don’t know how it happened but I haven’t done it before! I’ve been at the beach next to the stadium couple of times, even celebrated my birthday there last year, but haven’t walked up there! It was about time to do so! Music in my ears, camera in my hand – off I went! I’ve chosen the part between the National Stadium and the ZOO and it turned out to be perfect, offering the best views of the other side of the river!

Even if it’s in the middle of the city, with perfect views of downtown Warsaw, the path is surrounded by old trees. The busy street is neraby but for most of the time it can’t be seen or hear. It feels like you’re in the middle of the forest or in the countryside, only the skyline of the other side of the river doesn’t fit to the image. There’re so many birds’ nests up on the strees so I can imagine how the joyful birds’ sign is heard everywhere around when the season comes.

What made me really happy was that there were a lot of people walking, running or cycling. And among them I could spot quite many foreigners and tourists. That means such an investment in the city was a good idea and more of such outdoor places should be created! And such a lovely place shouldn’t be missed when visiting Warsaw.

Of course the crowdest part was across the old town. That didn’t surprise me much as the view is really stunning, especially with the sunset in the background. Colourful houses, royal castle and the cathedral with the skycrapers in the background make the most perfect and accurate sight of Warsaw – showing how the city is the mix of old and new, telling its history.

Stupidly enough I haven’t properly checked the weather before leaving home, the shining sun has tricked me and well, choosing sneakers wasn’t the best option. The path was full of ice or mud and at times I was literally dancing, trying to keep my balance on. But at least I succeded ;)

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It took me almost 2 hours to complete this 5 kilometers long walk under 5 bridges. I was slightly tired but couldn’t be happier. I’m not the person who sets new year’s resolutions but I’ve made a promise to myself that I’ll spend more time in 2013 discovering exciting places all over the city, being more active and walk much more (or maybe buy a bike somewhen along the way?). And that’s what I wish everyone, a happy and adventurous 2013!

Are there such an unique places in your area to? Do you like to visit them?

If you think of visiting Poland or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it!

love, kami 2

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