
Industriada – a festival of technical landmarks in Silesia

Last Updated on 04/11/2024 by kami

You might have never heard of the Silesia region in southern Poland, or if you did – you may think it’s not worth visiting. Well, there’s still the stereotype that this area, known for the mining industry, is grey, dull and somehow dodgy, with not much to see and do. I still remember Katowice 10 or so years ago when I never really felt safe there, no matter what time of day or night. These days however Silesia is nothing like that! The region is shining like never before, bustling with creativity, with too many places to visit in just one weekend! Even if some of the companies are shut down the industrial spaces are still in use, turned into culture spots, galleries or museums. The effect of this change is really incredible and makes Silesia one of the most interesting Polish regions to visit!

Katowice Spodek

The first time I got to know about Industriada festival was when I got the invitation from the Silesia region to attend this event. I was really surprised how come I’ve never heard of it before even thought it totally looked like my thing and this year it was already the 6th edition! But as it turned out it’s organized mostly for local people who on this one day can visit some of the places that usually are closed to public: power plants, shaft mining or rolling mills. Even if the event isn’t largely promoted outside of Silesia region, everyone is welcome to attend the festival and celebrate the greatness of the technical landmarks! I didn’t have to think twice, I accepted my invitation right away!




After a way too long train journey from Warsaw (of course there had to be something wrong on that very day) we arrived to Katowice just in time for the opening of the Art Naif Festival, held in the grounds of the former Giesche mine. I heard the name “art naif” before but didn’t really know how exactly this movement looks like. And well, it was love at first sight! Every single piece of work was just so pretty and cute, with bright colours and simple shape! I was wandering around, smiling like crazy and falling for each and every painting or sculpture I admired. There were hundreds of works by artists from all over the world and they really looked different depending on the country of origin: Brazilian ones had more psychedelic colours than soft Finnish. It was already 8th edition of the festival and the venue wasn’t a random one – art naif was especially popular in industrial areas where talented workers relaxed with paintin gafter the hard day. After seeing all these beautiful works of art I became a big fan of art naif too!

Industriada Art Naif

Industriada Art Naif

Industriada Art Naif

From the gallery our group headed to the coal mine that is still operating! It was definitely a highlight of the weekend and such an unique experience. There were no outsiders visiting the grounds before us and during Industriada there was only one more group who could go inside! But before we could visit the mine we had to be checked with breathalyzer (my first time ever, even if I knew I didn’t drink anything on that day I was still slightly nervous) and undergo a training in case of the emergency. Once we were done with that we were guided around, sadly without going underground. It was such a weird and surreal feeling to walk around these industrial grounds still in use, I felt really intimidated when miners were passing us by as I didn’t want to be any disturbance at their hard work. Most of them were really young guys, in their mid 20s and that was probably the most surprising thing. After a tour around we were able to take the elevator up to the top of the mine shaft, along the way we could see some mighty machines at work – that impressed me big time too! The view from the top was pretty incredible, even if at dusk. The mining grounds with a huge coal bing and countless train tracks, vast green spaces and Katowice shining afar. After a crazy hot day it was a blessing to stand up there, with a wind blowing my hair and admire the landscape of Silesia, where industrial and green spaces harmonize, breaking all the stereotypes about the region.

The day ended at yet another impressive site: renovated towers of the former coal mine “Polska” in Świętochłowice. That’s the only remnants of the once virile plant that was operating from 1873 till 1995. They were decaying over the years and probably the only reason why they survived was the location next to the police station. Now the towers shine like never before, being a wonderful testimony of the industrial past of Świętochłowice. The grand opening of the towers took place during Industriada – exactly at midnight with a light&sound show (using “Requiem for a dream” theme song, that always gives me shrivers). Now the buildings will serve as a venue for exhibitions.

Saturday, the right day of Industriada, was even hotter but there were so many amazing events and attractions to choose from that there was no place for complaining about the weather! We started with visiting a working power plant in Łaziska Górne where I could witness something extremely exciting for the railway geek like me – how the coal is disembarked from the cargo railway car. It might sound dull but was pretty impressive, so much that we wanted to see it twice! But the whole power plant, together with the museum of the energy production, was incredibly interesting and kind of abstract as I still don’t really understand how the power is made!

The next stop was zink rolling mill in Katowice-Szopienice where on the previous night a big industrial music concert took place. I can only imagine how perfect it must have been as the industrial scenery couldn’t have been better for this kind of show! It was much calmer when we visited, the building served as an exhibition hall and a small concert venue at that time. This was so much my kind of place, where the industrial surrounding is made for the cultural events! I could have spent there hours, just enjoying the place and still wouldn’t be bored!

Before heading to the final event of Industriada we stoped in Guido Mine in Zabrze. That’s the mine everyone can visit on daily basis as it’s not working anymore, but for Industriada there was a special show prepared. The mine was transformed into the research station, full of robots and creatures from the outer-space. To play along at the very beginning we got white coverall and a mask and at the very end of our underground journey we were treated with a local beer – 320 meters below the ground! That must be the world record in the lowest located pub competition!! Everything about Guido Mine on that day was pretty unique and unforgettable and the beer tasted better than anywhere else!

The grand final of Industriada 2015 took place in Queen Louise Adit. First we could see how the old, a hundred years old steam machine, works and despite the age is still doing really good. After the impressive show it was time to climb up the main shaft to admire a green landscape of Silesia one more time. But the crowd in the adit was getting thicker and thicker as an unique concert was about to start. A famous local hip hop artist – Miuosh – collaborated with Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, directed by another local music hero – Jimek and gave a magnificent show. Before they played together only twice but it was always indoors. To be honest I’m not a fan of hip hop but such a combination was pretty incredible and so enjoyable! I wouldn’t be surprised if the artists with the orchestra will soon be world famous, they surely deserve that! After the concert, an incredible laser show (that made me jump with surprise couple of times) ended Industriada 2015, leaving everyone who attended more than happy and wishing for more.

During the one a half day of Industriada there were 372 activities and events to choose from, located at 42 technical landmarks in 27 Silesian cities. Some of the events were free of charges, for other everyone interested had to sign up or get a ticket before. Overall around 90.000 people attended Industriada 2015! In some places queues were pretty long but no one complained as it was worth waiting! I’m still impressed how amazing the whole event was, how interesting and unique every single thing and place was and how many people actually came! You definitely should plan a trip to Silesia in June next year, to attend another edition of Industriada. I know I will! And in the meantime I’m going to visit the region in few weeks as what I’ve seen in these two days just made me want to discover more and more of Silesia!

industriada2015 (46)

Do you like industrail landmarks? What’s the most unique event you’ve been to? Would you like to attend Industriada?



If you think of visiting Poland or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it!

Note: I was invited to Industriada festival by Silesia region however all the opinions are 100% mine, like always!

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    Natalia Malec
    15/07/2015 at 19:40

    byłam i zgadzam się w 100%!

  • Reply
    Katarzyna Bobola
    15/07/2015 at 20:04

    Genialna impreza;)

  • Reply
    15/07/2015 at 22:19

    Silesia is really great! After our visit in May we are in love and will be returning with every occasion! :)

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:33

      same with me :) it’s definitely nothing that people expect!

  • Reply
    Jolanta Wicińska
    15/07/2015 at 22:37

    Ależ te fabryki wyglądają super od środka … ja uwielbiam program jak to jest zrobione, pewnie byłabym zachwycona takim festiwalem! Dużo jeszcze przede mną dzięki, super relacja;)

  • Reply
    Piotr Goroh
    16/07/2015 at 03:39

    Looks GREAT! I’d love to wander around these places with my camera.
    Any idea if 320m below affects drinking abilities?;)

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:34

      yeah, Silesia is just perfect for photography! All these industrial spots are incredible!

      I didn’t feel any difference but who knows, maybe they did some reaearches and it affects you :)

  • Reply
    16/07/2015 at 06:25

    Wow! It looks really amazing! Who would have thought we could have something like this in Poland!

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:38

      Poland still can be surprising, and so interesting!

  • Reply
    Anna Bloch
    16/07/2015 at 05:36

    Nie słyszałam o Industradzie :) ale o Śląsku tak, i o ile pierwsze wrażenie nie było najlepsze to już drugie zmieniło moje zdanie :) muszę tak wrócić wkrótce :D

  • Reply
    Darek Sekula
    16/07/2015 at 05:44

    wygląda genialnie wręcz :D

  • Reply
    16/07/2015 at 07:38

    Wut? We live so close and we have never heard about Industriada? Have to check it out next year…

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:39

      Definitely, it’s a great event! Also Muzeum Drukarstwa from Cieszyn takes part in Industriada!

  • Reply
    Piotr Brewczyński
    16/07/2015 at 07:03

    Śląsk aż się prosi o takie imprezy – dzięki za to info :).

  • Reply
    Przemyslaw Czatrowski
    16/07/2015 at 08:22

    fajnie te widoki z góry wyszły, chętnie bym więcej takich obejrzał

  • Reply
    Agnieszka /Zależna w podróży
    16/07/2015 at 09:35

    Seen some of these places before but some of them are totally new for me. This region is trully off the track and so close from Cracow!

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:39

      It really is! Too bad the stereothypes put people off from visiting Silesia, it’s such a great place!

  • Reply
    16/07/2015 at 10:10

    I was born and grew up in Silesia but I never really explored it. I guess you always thing that your own neighbourhood is less exciting than every other place. Next time I’m visiting my family in Silesia I’ll make sure I visit some of the places you listed here

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:42

      That’s right, grass is always greener somewhere else! I’m from Lubelszczyzna and at first I didn’t see anything interesting in my region, now I keep promoting it to everyone as it’s so amazing! :)

  • Reply
    Patrycja Paprotna
    16/07/2015 at 11:55

    MÓJ ULUBIONY SZLAK ZABYTKÓW TECHNIKI. polecam bardzo, z całego serca! zainteresowani mogą sobie w niektórych albumach popatrzeć u mnie. ;)

  • Reply
    Jarek Szczygielski
    16/07/2015 at 17:01

    Po raz kolejny napiszę, że to dla mnie największa moja nieobecność w tym roku. Za rok się uda :)

  • Reply
    Natalia I Zapiski ze świata
    17/07/2015 at 19:02

    Well, actually Silesia is my voivodeship, but I’ve never thought about it as a region worth seeing (despite Beskidy Mountains of course, where I was born). Shame on me, I have to make up for it!

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:45

      I think it has changed a lot over few last years and now Silesia is extremely interesting! Besides, we are always more interested in far away places :)

  • Reply
    Escape Hunter
    27/07/2015 at 15:41

    The old 19th century and early 20th century industrial areas are among my favourites.

    • Reply
      28/07/2015 at 21:46

      mine too! such a beautiful architecture!

  • Reply
    16/02/2016 at 10:33

    Thanks for information, I had no idea that Art Naif Festival is organised in my region! This year I would definitely be there! Btw. if you like this kind of art I recommend you visiting Silesian Museum.

    • Reply
      23/02/2016 at 08:10

      Thanks, I’m hoping to go back to the region soon (maybe even this weekend) and see the Silesian Museum, it’s very high on my list! And I can definitely recommend Industriada, if you’re around at that time don’t miss it! I think they’ve already announced the date for this year!

  • Reply
    13/07/2016 at 13:38

    Miałem przyjemność być na Industriadzie w tym roku i wszystkim bardzo serdecznie polecam tą imprezę.

    • Reply
      21/07/2016 at 21:37

      cieszę się, że sie podobało :)

  • Reply
    26/02/2017 at 08:15

    Hi Kami,
    it sounds really great! Do you think that people who cannot speak Polish (but more or less understand written words), can enjoy the festival too?

    And I really love your post from Almaty in Kazachstan! It really makes me want to come there as soon as possible:)

    • Reply
      27/02/2017 at 16:24

      Hi Jana! Yes, I think you’d still enjoy Industriada! It’s mostly about the visual experience although some language knowledge definitely helps :)

      And thank you! I hope you will go to Kazakhstan soon, it’s great!

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