Argentina Brazil

Incredible Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina in pictures

Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami

There’s a reason thousands of people visit Iguazu Falls each day. The place is just stunning, the masses of water take the breath away and keep you speachless for most of the time you spend there. It truly is a wonder of nature, probably one of the greatest in the world. And even if I expected something amazing what I’ve seen blown me away! Iguazu Falls was definitely one of the most spectacular sights I’ve ever visited! 

iguazu falls pictures
A lot of people have to decide between visiting either Brazilian or Argentinian side. While the first one gives a great overview of the sight it is on the second one that you can get closer to the falls and feel its overwhelming power. I was lucky I could get the whole Iguazu Falls experience and without hurrying too much I visited both sides. And honestly I can’t decide which one is better!

iguazu falls pictures
On my first day I went to see the Falls from the Brazilian perspective. It is very easy to get there from the city Foz do Iguacu, the cheap city bus (the same that goes to the airport) takes you all the way to the Visitors Center from where the double deck tourist bus (included in the entrance fee) will drive you right to the beginning of the trail as well as to other attractions along the way. The walking route to admire the falls isn’t very long, maybe 2 kms, but it takes ages to complete it as the crowd is pretty big and slow and the surrounding is breathtaking. I had “wow” moments in regular few minutes long intervals and stopped every few steps to take a picture of the amazing view in front of me. Every time I was sure the view won’t get any better but of course it did! The best moment came at the end of the track where there was a platform built on top of the water, making it possible to walk to the very edge of the Fall. The noise of falling water was trembling in my ears, the drops attacking me from every direction made it impossible to see and I didn’t know anymore in which direction I should walk yet I felt blissfully happy at that time. It was worth every effort to be in that very place and experience the powerful nature from such a very close point. Next to that walking path there was a viewing platform where I spent way too much time just staring at the Falls and admiring its undeniable beauty!

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After the visit on the Brazilian side of the Falls and a quick look around the city I made my way to Argentina. It’s very easy to cross the border in this place, the buses run frequently and the border control is very smooth on both sides. Altogether the journey from Foz do Iguacu to Puerto Iguazu took me maybe one hour. After a relaxing first evening in Argentina I was ready to face the crowds yet again. “Unfortunately” I was there over the weekend and the weather was gorgeous but that meant even more people around – that’s the downside of the most popular sights, no matter how stunning they are…

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On the Argentinian side I had two circuits to choose from – upper and lower. I started with the first one and well, at some point it was pretty nightmarish and I wanted to yell at all the people pushing me but I was waiting patiently to move forward and when I managed to sneak in to the front row I was standing there for way too long, to fully take in the incredible view I could witness…The path was striated with numerous bridges over the fast rivers and the viewing platforms so close to the falls you could almost touch it. The lower circuit was much calmer but also less spectacular. At the end of itthere was a walking platform leading close to the fall but it wasn’t as amazing as the one on the Brazilian side. Unfortunately due to the flood damage the best path and probably the biggest highlight of Iguazu Falls – Garganta del Diabolo – was closed. I was utterly disappointed but there was nothing I could do about that… After 3 hours spent in the park it was time to say good bye to this breathtaking and unforgettable place and run to catch the bus to Buenos Aires.

iguazu falls pictures

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Even if the entrance to Iguazu Falls is pretty pricey (49 reals on Brazilian side – ~19$ / 15€ – and 215 pesos on Argentinian – ~25$ / 20€) the place is definitely worth the money. The pushing crowds will annoy you, the waiting lines will drive you crazy but you will surely fall for the place, like thousands of people do each day and like I did one September weekend. Just take a look at these Iguazu Falls pictures, isn’t the place stunning?



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What was the most amazing nature wonder you’ve ever visited? Do you have Iguazu Falls on your bucket list? Would you like to visit Argentina and Brazil?

Are you going to South America or want to read more about the area? Take a look at my posts about Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay! If you’re looking for articles about any place in particular this map with posts might be useful for you. Or just take a look at the “destinations” page.


iguazu-falls-pin (1)       iguazu-falls-pin (2)

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    antonette - we12trav
    29/12/2014 at 19:43

    What can I say … LOVEEEEE Iguazu, one of the most inspiring places in the world :D can't wait to go back one day!

    • Reply
      07/01/2015 at 14:41

      I wasn’t THAT impressed (for example Iceland had much better waterfalls) but it was definitely a wonderful place! fingers crossed you will go back soon!

  • Reply
    Shikha (whywasteannualleave)
    01/01/2015 at 18:39

    Beautiful photos Kami – isn’t it just stunning there! Iwasn’t sure myself whether it would live up to the hype when Iwent this year but I was so impressed and funnily enough wrote a similar post a few months ago about the differences in the views between the two sides – I couldn’t quite decide which is better either!

    • Reply
      07/01/2015 at 18:21

      ha, we even have almost the same pictures :) The place was indeed pretty stunning! There were just too many people for my taste but I enjoyed it anyway :) when exactly did you go there?

  • Reply
    02/01/2015 at 17:17

    Wow! This place is truly spectacular! <3 Would love to go there someday! ;)

    • Reply
      07/01/2015 at 19:28

      fingers crossed you will! Iguazu Falls is really amazing!

  • Reply
    Asia | Byłem tu. Tony Halik.
    09/01/2015 at 23:08

    I absolutely adore this place. I also watch it both from Brazilian or Argentinian side (though the Argentinian made a bit greater impression on me). Nice photos, btw.

    • Reply
      23/01/2015 at 23:10

      Thanks! I liked Brazilian side more to be honest. It was less crowded (even if still insane) and the overview of the falls was spectacular! But Argentinian was pretty incredible too!

  • Reply
    14/01/2015 at 15:24

    I am starting to plan my first trip to South America and this is definitely on my list. I know I am going to be bothered by so many people. Maybe I will win the lottery before I go and then I can pay a million dollars to have the falls closed off to the public. One can dream anyway…

    • Reply
      26/01/2015 at 20:54

      haha, yes, it’s always good to dream! :) definitely try to go there during your trip! Even if the crowds will annoy you the place is still incredible and lives up to its hype!!! I’m sure you’d love it!

  • Reply
    30/05/2015 at 07:22

    Thanks for this article with wonderful photos. Iguazu Falls are my favorite waterfalls. I like the Argentinian side where you can walk around and see the falls from different perspectives.

    • Reply
      19/06/2015 at 23:37

      Thank you! I heard that the Argentinian side is better but I actually enjoyed Brazilian more. Maybe because some paths in Argentina were closed and I couldn’t get all that close to the falls

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