
Buenos Aires street art in pictures

Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami

Street art tour was the icing on the cake during my stay in Buenos Aires, I left it for the very end. But already from the very beginning I could see that the city is the street art paradise. The moment I stepped outside my hotel I came across some exceptional pieces here and there, decorating the walls of San Telmo (the most amazing district of BA where I stayed). As I wandered the city I could notice Buenos Aires street art just about everywhere and in most cases these were really good pieces.

Murals – the best of Buenos Aires street art

Buenos Aires has what many good street art cities lack – a lot of incredible good murals. World famous artists, such as Italian BLU or Belgian ROA, come to the capital of Argentina to do some of their best works here. Thanks to Matt from BA street art tours who pointed out the locations I could see some of them. And I was so impressed, standing for at least 5 minutes in front of each mural, looking carefully at every detail, trying to take it all in and see the meaning. As that’s how the street art in Buenos Aires is – it shows important events in the history, comments on the current issues or points out the problems that Argentina has to deal with.

Mafalda and street art

The city also has found a great way to commemorate the famous Argentinian comic-book – Mafalda. There is the whole route strewn around few streets with the sculptures of the main characters from the book. It makes such a wonderful addition to the overall street art heaven! Another cool thing about Buenos Aires is how street art went underground and even some metro stations are decorated with murals!

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Amazing Buenos Aires street art

I’ve heard before that South America has some exceptional street art culture but I didn’t really know what to expect. After slightly disappointing Rio de Janeiro I didn’t have my hopes for Buenos Aires way too high but the city has blown me away! Here’re some of the cool examples I found only in two districts: San Telmo and La Boca. To see more check my street art tour post. And for more info about cool new murals appearing on the walls of Buenos Aires check BA street art website!

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art

buenos aires street art /center>

buenos aires street art

What’s your favourite street art city? Would you like to visit Buenos Aires?

If you think of visiting Argentina or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it:

If you’re looking for articles about any place in particular this map with posts might be useful for you. Or just take a look at the “destinations” page.


buenos-aires-street-art-pin (1)       buenos-aires-street-art-pin (2)

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    15/02/2015 at 21:38

    A few of them look familiar ;)
    I wish I’d thought of looking for Mafalda… well, next time I’ll remember ;)

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 23:37

      at least you have a reason (probably one of many) to go back! :) There was the whole Mafalda themed walking route, such a great idea!!

  • Reply
    Natalia Malec
    16/02/2015 at 08:28

    bardzo fajne i kreatywne uliczne dzieła sztuki :)

  • Reply
    Ola Wysocka
    16/02/2015 at 09:04

    Och, żeby u nas było więcej takiego street artu a mniej tego autorstwa kibiców wiadomych drużyn…;)

  • Reply
    Kamila Kowalewska
    16/02/2015 at 09:10

    świetne! moim faworytem jest zdjęcie z panami śpiącymi na ławeczce i Mafalda – bohaterka jednego z najlepszych komiksów ever! :)

  • Reply
    Agnieszka Poznanska
    16/02/2015 at 09:36

    Uwielbiam te twoje streeet art-owe serie :)

  • Reply
    Wiola Starczewska
    16/02/2015 at 12:46

    You have good eye girl! I also have picture with Mafalda, but just with the poster, which is next to the statue – when I was there it was too many people waiting for they turn to take a picture. When did you come there that it’s so empty around Mafalda?

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 23:41

      Thanks! I must have been really lucky then! I was there on some random Tuesday morning in September but overall there weren’t all that many tourists in BA at that time – that was partly the reason why I enjoyed it that much :) And Mafalda is just the best!! :D

  • Reply
    Witold Sobek
    16/02/2015 at 15:51

    Niektóre to istne dzieła sztuki :)

  • Reply
    16/02/2015 at 17:36

    Wow, talk about street art! Some of those are incredibly gorgeous. I’ve never been to Buenos Aires, but when I go, I’d love to wander around, getting lost in the art.

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 23:43

      BA is perfect for wandering around and looking for some street, I’m sure you will enjoy it big time when you go!

  • Reply
    17/02/2015 at 09:27

    Wow! I don’t think that I’ve seen such a varied collection of street art all in one place before. There are so many different styles, all really cool in their own way. I would love to explore and discover these!

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 23:44

      BA was definitely one of the best street art cities I’ve been to! I’ve heard that South America is big in the street art scene but I didn’t expect it to be that amazing!

  • Reply
    Justyna Śnieżek
    17/02/2015 at 21:51

    Kama, w sumie nigdy nie interesował mnie street art, ale jak czytam i, przede wszystkim, oglądam Twoje street artowe posty, to chyba powoli zmieniam zdanie :) Super!

  • Reply
    Sammi Wanderlustin'
    18/02/2015 at 00:25

    I do love some good street art! I particularly loved Granada in Spain, tho’ you have to know where to look. It’s stunning- and in a really well valued part of the city. This murals are stunning, too :)

    • Reply
      27/02/2015 at 15:33

      It’s the first time ever I hear Granada is good in street art!! I’ve never been there (though I always wanted to go:)) but now you put it much higher on my radar :) Thanks for telling!

  • Reply
    18/02/2015 at 11:37

    Wow this is some really cool street art. I’m a big fan of street art because it makes some areas look really cool. Great pictures!

    • Reply
      27/02/2015 at 15:35

      Thank you! Buenos Aires really was amazing!

  • Reply
    18/02/2015 at 15:19

    I would love to visit Buenos Aires!! The street art is really amazing :)

    • Reply
      27/02/2015 at 16:06

      it really was! I hope you will visit BA soon!

  • Reply
    Meg Jerrard
    18/02/2015 at 16:54

    Super cool murals – kind of loving on the woman/zebra mural!

    • Reply
      27/02/2015 at 16:06

      they were some of the best I’ve ever seen!

  • Reply
    18/02/2015 at 19:17

    Wow! Sublime, so much colour and artistic flair, I love it. I wish I would have stopped and spent some time in BA last year while I was in South America, this kind of thing looks so interesting – Great photos!

    • Reply
      27/02/2015 at 16:20

      I’m sure you will be back there and then you will have a chance to explore Buenos Aires! It’s a wonderful city and street art is definitely one of its biggest pros! :)

  • Reply
    Marcin Wesołowski
    18/02/2015 at 19:47

    Czekam na ten album ze street artem! :)

  • Reply
    kim a hazel
    19/02/2015 at 14:07

    Wow…I didn’t know BA is so rich with street art. Love this! Not all cities welcome that kind of creativity, especially when it’s edgy. This is so authentic!

    • Reply
      27/02/2015 at 16:24

      It was incredible, one of the best street art cities I’ve been to! :)

  • Reply
    21/02/2015 at 13:56

    I love how the concept of street art is so global, but all the styles are so different!

    • Reply
      28/02/2015 at 14:55

      Exactly! Every city has an unique street art scene

  • Reply
    antonette - we12travel
    23/02/2015 at 20:03

    Sorry, still not a fan of street art – but a fan of Buenos Aires however – the street art there definitely adds to the atmosphere, can’t wait to go back there again!

    • Reply
      28/02/2015 at 23:15

      I kind of have a crush on Buenos Aires too! It’s such an incredible city, isn’t it :) ?

  • Reply
    weekly roundup 06 // 2015. | veen83
    27/03/2015 at 10:15

    […] got some great photos of street art in buenos aires, if you’re […]

  • Reply
    Street Art Around the World - Travelnuity
    08/11/2015 at 23:01

    […] Find out more and see more examples of street art at Kami and the Rest of the World – Buenos Aires street art in pictures. […]

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