Bosnia and Herzegovina

50 pictures that will inspire you to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina

Last Updated on 26/04/2024 by kami

There are places you know you will fall for even before visiting.

All the pictures you see online, all the stories you read, the history and culture you learn about keep you captivated and make you count the days to your actual trip to the place.

That was my story with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina essentials

Planning a trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina? Here are the services I always use and personally recommend:

  • Accommodation: I always book a place to stay on
  • Tours: when I decide to go on a tour I either use Viator
  • Get insured for your trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina with SafetyWing

My visits to Bosnia and Herzegovina

By now I’ve had a chance to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina three times: in early autumn, in winter and in spring. Each season was beautiful there, each place was just stunning.

Sarajevo – the tragic capital – quickly has became one of my all time favorite cities,

Mostar is a perfect place for me to chill out and smaller places I’ve seen during my recent visit to Bosnia made me fall for the country even more.

All of them can be easily called Balkan highlights.

The whole world has learned about Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s due to the cruel war that made it to the news.

The conflict ended in 1996 but for years tourists were simply afraid to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina, looking at the country with the recent events in mind.

To be honest I was one of them…

But even if the war remnants are still there, you can see bulletholes on the buildings, ruined houses and numerous cemetaries just about everywhere the country has moved on, focusing on the future and trying to live normally.

Why you should visit Bosnia and Herzegovina

While most of the tourists focus only on Mostar (a very easy day trip from Dubrovnik, Croatia) and Sarajevo there are so many places you should go to when you visit Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Travnik, Jajce, Blagaj, Pocitelj, Trebinje, Visegrad, Bihac, Konjic, Lukomir, Stolac… the list can go on and on!

For such a small country Bosnia and Herzegovina offers so much! And the landscape when you travel between the places really can take your breath away!

But Bosnia and Herzegovina is so much more than the beautiful places.

It’s the country of delicious food (meat lovers will find it especially appealing), multicultural past and incredible people.

Everywhere I went I felt really taken care of and despite the major incident (my passport was stolen in Sarajevo) I really think that Bosnia and Herzegovina is really safe.

Bosnia and Herzegovina in pictures

As I was inspired by pictures to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina below you can se some of my favorite shots I took there during two recent visits. It was really hard to choose only 50 pictures – the country is just too beautiful! But I really hope what you are about to see will inspire you to visit Bosnia too!

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View from the minaret of Koski Mehmed-Pasha Mosque in Mostar

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Inside Koski Mehmed-Pasha Mosque in Mostar

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Street in Mostar Old Town

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View from the Old Bridge in Mostar

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar Old Bridge

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar Old Bridge from another perspective

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar Old Town

Mostar - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar Old Bridge by night

Kravica Waterfalls - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Kravica Waterfalls

Kravica Waterfalls - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Kravica Waterfalls from above

Pocitelj - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Pocitelj from above

Pocitelj - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Šišman Ibrahim-pašina mosque in Pocitelj

Pocitelj - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Spring in Pocitelj

Pocitelj - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Pocitelj streets

Travnik - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Travnik seen from the fortress

Travnik - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Travnik fortress

Travnik - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Travnik seen from the fortress

Travnik - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Travnik fortress

Travnik - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Plava voda, Travnik

Jajce - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Entrance to Jajce Old Town

Jajce - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Jajce fortress

Jajce - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View from Jajce city walls

Jajce - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Jajce Old Town

Jajce - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Jajce Old Town

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo Baščaršija

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Miljacka river in Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Inat Kuca – the most famous house in Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo views

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View of Sarajevo Old Town

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo seen from Alifakovac cemetery

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Miljacka river and Latin Bridge in Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Catholic Cathedral

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Vibrant Sarajevo Old Town

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo sunset

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Latin Bridge in Sarajevo at night

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Sebilj in Sarajevo at night

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Main square in Baščaršija, Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Baščaršija streets

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque yard in Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Ferhadija street, Sarajevo. Where cultures meet.

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Saraci street, Sarajevo. Where cultures meet.

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Ferhadija street, Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Strossmayerova street, Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Main square in Baščaršija, Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View from the restaurant on the hills of Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View from Avaz Tower, Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina View from Avaz Tower, Sarajevo

Sarajevo - Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina Sunset in Sarajevo

Further reading

I published many articles about Bosnia and Herzegovina that you might find useful when planning your trip there. Here are some of them:

If you are looking for articles about a specific destination – check out the map with all the articles I’ve published (and their locations). You can also join my Facebook group about traveling in the Balkans and ask your questions there.

Travel Resources

You can find the best accommodation options at Booking. They have many discounts and excellent customer service. Click here to look for the place to stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Never travel without travel insurance, you never know what might happen and better safe than sorry. You can check the insurance policy for Bosnia and Herzegovina here.

I recommend joining organized tours to get to know the place better and to visit more places during your trip. You can find a great selection of tours at Get Your Guide – click here.

Make sure to have the offline map always installed on your phone, they can save you so many troubles. I always use the free app Maps.Me.

For the end I left a few announcements that might interest you:

  • If you don’t want to miss new posts and news from me click here to sign to my newsletter! You can also follow me on Bloglovin!
  • Join my Facebook group about Eastern Europe, the Balkans and former USSR and connect with fellow travellers and enthusiasts of these regions – just click here!
  • I’ve included a few handy links of services and products I personally like and use so you can plan your own trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina too. They are often affiliate links. This means I will get a small commission if you book/purchase anything through my links, at no extra costs for you. If you like what you are reading and seeing here and would like to support me and my blog please consider using those links. It would be like getting me a virtual drink that you don’t have to pay for! Thanks!


Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    Połącz Kropki
    07/05/2017 at 17:35

    mega, mega, mega;) już kombinuję jak udac się w te strony w wakacje. nie wierzę, że kiedyś totalnie nie interesowałam się Bośnią i nie brałam jej pod uwagę w wojażach.

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 20:53

      lepiej późno niż wcale! wybierz się koniecznie, bo naprawdę warto! Fantastyczny kraj!

  • Reply
    Lance Mentink
    07/05/2017 at 18:20

    WOW… GREAT PICTURES KAMI We plan on living in both Bosnia and Montenegro next year. We will hire you for some advice. Have you ever been to the film festival in Sarajevo? Thanks for sharing your travel adventures. Lance

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 20:55

      Thank you for your kind words Lance! You will love it here for sure, Bosnia and Montenegro are among my absolutely favorite places, both countries are incredibly beautiful. Unfortunately I haven’t been to the SFF but I really would love to!

  • Reply
    Karola | Życie.Me
    07/05/2017 at 18:49

    Petarda! <3
    Niech ktoś wydłuży rok, urlopy i zaopatrzy w portfele bez dna. :)

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 20:56

      Dziękuję!! I tak, podpisuję się pod tym wnioskiem!

  • Reply
    07/05/2017 at 20:14

    I am going! Well, hopefully next year! This country looks amazing on your pictures

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 20:58

      It is amazing, that’s why I keep returning! I really hope you will visit Bosnia too!

  • Reply
    Victoria @The British Berliner
    08/05/2017 at 06:19

    Gorgeous! I haven’t been to either of the two countries, but would very much like to. I’ve just got back from Croatia, so I’m certainly on my way!
    p.s. I really like your photography!

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:00

      Thank you! B&H is a wonderful place so next time when you plan your Balkan trip you definitely shuold include this country too, you won’t be disappointed!

  • Reply
    08/05/2017 at 10:11

    We are so gutted that we aren’t there right now (which is where we should be!) – a month back in the UK, recovering, and we should be back on track. You have some lovely photos here, I am especially drawn to Pocitelj and Travnik.

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:03

      that was such an unfortunate thing that happened to you Mark but I’m sure you will be back in the Balkans soon!

  • Reply
    08/05/2017 at 19:03

    I am heading to BiH next month and i can’t wait. Your post just made me even more excited:).But omg,your passport got stolen in Sarajevo? how did that happen? (so i know what to avoid…)

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:06

      You will love BiH for sure!!! I’m falling for it more and more with each visit (and I’m here again right now ;)). As for the passport – when I was walking in the evening in the Old Town someone opened my backpack and took the small purse that among other random things had passport too. I think I know where it happened (when walking from the cathedral towards the river) but I’m not 100% sure and I didn’t catch anyone. And well, something like this could have happened anywhere

  • Reply
    08/05/2017 at 23:06

    I’ve always wanted to visit Bosnia Herzegovina, and your photos make me want to visit even more. Those small cobblestone streets and bridges are just gorgeous!

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:08

      They are gorgeous! I really hope you will make it there soon Jenna, you will love it!

  • Reply
    09/05/2017 at 07:28

    Rany, już pierwsze pięć zrobiło robotę, kurczę, chcę do Bośni! Wczoraj już Kinga spamowała tymi fotkami, przestańcie, nie mam urlopu!

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:08

      ogarnij jakoś wolne, naprawdę warto! Ja też nie mam urlopu, a znów w Bośni jestem ;)

  • Reply
    Stacja Bałkany
    09/05/2017 at 11:48

    Hege już w czwartek lecę także do Bośni przez Czarnogóre i liczę na podobnie udane kadry :)

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:09

      i jak, udało się ;) ?

  • Reply
    Stefania - The Italian Backpacker
    11/05/2017 at 15:22

    I’ve only been in Sarajevo and Mostar, like most people, but I agree that it’s a really fascinating and interesting country. I keep repeating that it’s so hard to think that it all was one country – Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro… They are all so different!

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:13

      You definitely should return to B&H and see more of it as it’s just stunning! It’s fascinating how diverse the former Yugoslavia was which, in a way, caused so much tragedy here

  • Reply
    12/05/2017 at 05:50

    Nice, but you forget to visit beautiful Trebinje in southern part of Hercegovina close to Dubrovnik & Herceg Novi.
    It must be on every list if you travel trough Bosnia!!!

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:13

      I’ve mentioned it in the post but I haven’t been there yet (even if I really would love to)

  • Reply
    18/05/2017 at 20:04

    Bardzo atrakcyjne miejsce. Chcę się w końcu wybrać w te regiony. Słowenia wygląda podobnie. Te miasteczka między pagórkami są bajeczne.

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:14

      zdecydowanie polecam! Słowenia też jest fantastyczna, taki mały kraj, a tyle atrakcji!

  • Reply
    22/05/2017 at 12:00

    Woow, this looks really amazing,
    This is really on my have to do list before i get into my 40’s

    Keep posting,
    Kind regards

    • Reply
      27/05/2017 at 21:14

      Thank you! I really hope you will make it to B&H soon! Regards!

  • Reply
    Doris Ng
    18/12/2017 at 06:27

    Hi Kami, thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.
    Need some advice from you. We plan on traveling to Bosnia come spring. We are not driving. How is the public transport like? Do we have to hire a private car with driver?
    Appreciate your response. Thank you!

    • Reply
      22/12/2017 at 22:29

      Hi Doris! If planned carefully it’s rather easy to go around Bosnia by public transport, that’s what I always do too! Only the places around Mostar (Blagaj, Pocitelj, Kravice) require a driver but it’s super easy to organize everything in Mostar, I paid 20€ for such a trip! You will love Bosnia, it’s amazing!

  • Reply
    20/04/2018 at 11:52

    H KAMI, How about the NIGHT Life in BiH? Recently I was in Skopje,Pristina but NO nigt life to drink coocktail/beer!!!!

    • Reply
      12/05/2018 at 11:11

      The nightlife in Sarajevo isn’t crazy but there are few places you might enjoy, like Kino Bosna, especially on Monday night

  • Reply
    24/01/2019 at 09:29

    My wife and I have been to Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of a Europe tour and would love to go back. My wife’s farther is from Yugoslavia but not sure from were in Yugoslavia. Looking at your pictures I feel we have missed so much of this lovely country.

    • Reply
      27/01/2019 at 15:50

      Thank you for your comment Neil, I hope you will be able to visit Bosnia again soon. Most tours just focus on Mostar and Sarajevo but there’s so much more in the country really! Fingers crossed you will be able to see it one day :) Happy travels!

  • Reply
    21/04/2019 at 17:30

    Dear Kami,
    This is Moji from Iran. I have planned to have a trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina this summer. I am very lucky which I found you and your blog it is amazing. You have shown in your blog very well an overall picture about B&H. I hope to have a great time there and enjoy. Part of accommodation in Sarajevo was very useful for me.
    Best regards,

    • Reply
      27/04/2019 at 13:18

      Thank you Moji! I hope you will have a great time in BiH, it’s such a beautiful and underrated country. Have a good trip!

  • Reply
    28/05/2019 at 07:50

    Great photos and a lovely blog. I’ve been using your blog to persuade some Asian people to come and visit Bosnia. Hopefully, they’ll also click on something that will get you a commission. Good luck with your blog and thanks for portraying my country as it is – a beautiful place that really should be explored.

    • Reply
      26/06/2019 at 01:39

      Thank you! I hope you manage to persuade them as BiH is such a beautiful country! I can’t wait for my next visit!

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