Czech Republic

Beautiful and overlooked Jihlava, Czech Republic

Last Updated on 21/10/2024 by kami

How many of you have heard of Jihlava, Czech Republic?

I somehow knew that the city like this exists but the only reason it got my interest was the random trip through it some 5 years ago.

I was going by train from Brno to Ceske Budejovice (both cities are on my list of cool places to visit in Czech Republic) and unexpectedly there was a bus replacement service from Trebic to Jihlava.

The journey took us through the center of Jihlava and I was enchanted how beautiful the city was. Back then I already knew I want to visit the place properly! And I finally did!

Jihlava essentials

Jihlava Czech Republic

History of Jihlava, Czech Republic

For the city this much unknown Jihlava, Czech Republic has a long and interesting history.

The legend says the silver was mined here already in the year 799 but officially the city was founded around 1240 as the oldest mining community in Czech Republic – some 50 years before much more famous Kutna Hora! At the beginning of the 14th century, when the father of most known Czech king – Charles IV – acquired Jihlava the town gained numerous privileges that later on were even extended by Charles IV himself (you for sure know him from Charles Bridge in Prague or the spa town Karlovy Vary, all named after him). At that time Jihlava was promoted by Emperor to the position of supreme court for all the mining towns in the Bohemia region.

Over the centuries the city developed, not only in the mining field but also in the textile industry, and was always an important center for whoever ruled the place (and at times this was changing rather often). These days Jihlava is a capital of Vysocina region and one of the most underrated tourist attractions of Czech Republic, with over 200 preserved historical buildings.

Jihlava Czech Republic

First impressions of Jihlava

When I arrived on Friday evening the city was quiet as in some kind of lethargy (I blame it on the gloomy weather) but I could already notice that Jihlava will be a real gem that not many know about. The closer I was getting to the center the more impressive architecture was but still I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see on the next day!

I stayed directly at the market square in a cozy guest house and when I looked outside of the window in the morning I was enchanted. Rows of colorful houses and trolleybuses (the core of the public transport in Jihlava) were waiting for me and I couldn’t wait to see all that Jihlava has to offer. At that time I haven’t even thought that November isn’t the best time to travel and my options will be rather limited…

Jihlava Czech Republic

In Jihlava I stayed at Penzion Willa and I can only recommend it! The place has the best possible location, at Masarykovo Namesti (the main square), it’s clean, spacious,cozy and very affordable. In the morning a hearty breakfast is served. I can’t imagine a better accommodation in Jihlava! You can book the place here.

What to do in Jihlava

I started at the main square – Masarykovo namesti. It is large, precipitous and beautiful, the only thing that hurts your eyes is a large modern building right in the middle, a home to some shops and McDonald’s restaurant. In every other surrounding I’d probably appreciate this kind of architecture but not in here, in the heart of the picture perfect old town. But you can try not to look towards that building and pretend it’s not there – I did that and it didn’t bother me at all!

Anyway, houses at Masarykovo namesti are not only very pretty, they also have a big historical value, many of them having foundations back from the medieval times! But the most important place here is the town hall, and that’s not only due to its function. The building, located in the corner next to the distinctive church of St. Ignatus of Loyola, looks impressive from the outside but true wonders hide inside – a large Gothic hall or historic frescoes just to name few.

Jihlava Czech Republic

Jihlava Czech Republic

The best thing you can do in Jihlava, Czech Republic is to wander aimlessly around the old town. All the cobbled streets are just the prettiest and with every step you keep falling more and more for the city. I can’t decide which one was my favorite but judging from the amount of pictures I took I’d vote for Komenskeho, Matky Bozi, Benesova and Palackeho streets.

The rows of colorful houses and the architecture typical for Central Europe makes the city such a pleasant place to visit. One of the houses, at Znojemska street, belonged to the family of Gustav Mahler – a famous Austrian composer.

Jihlava Czech Republic

Jihlava Czech Republic

Jihlava Czech Republic

Jihlava Czech Republic

What surprised and impressed me the most about Jihlava was still very well preserved old urban planning. The medieval old town, with the market in the middle and streets trailing away perpendicularly and parallel towards the city walls. And those are really spectacular, encircling the center of Jihlava.

Close to the walls, at Jakubske namesti, you will see an impressive gothic St. Jacob’s Church with 63 meters high tower. On the opposite site of the center you will find Gate of Holy Mother – the symbol of Jihlava, part of the medieval fortification system, dating back to the 13th century. Those two landmarks serve as watchtowers, open to public, so if you are after some nice views from up high these are your places to go to.

And while you’re at the Gate of Holy Mother stop by at Cukrarna u Brany – probably the best sweet-shop in Jihlava, judging at the never-ending line.

Jihlava Czech Republic

Jihlava Czech Republic

Visiting Jihlava in November

As much as I’d like to say my time in Jihlava was perfect I can’t do that but I’m the only one to blame.

It turned out that traveling off season isn’t the best idea in such undiscovered places. I could only visit all the sights from the outside as they were simply closed for the winter season. I really regret I couldn’t climb up to the watchtowers and admire Jihlava from above but most of all I wish I could have explore the so called catacombs of the city.

Jihlava has second largest underground system in Czech Republic, after Znojmo, with total length of 25 kms. Since most of the silver mines are long gone the catacombs are the last reminder of the mining history of Jihlava. The undergrounds are open to public all year round except of January, in other winter months (November-March) it is possible to visit the place with a group of minimum 10 people and after arranging it beforehand.

Well, at least I have a reason to go back…

Jihlava Czech Republic

Is it worth to visit Jihlava?

Even if the weather was rather unpleasant during my time in Jihlava, Czech Republic and even if I couldn’t explore the city as good as I’d like it I still enjoyed the place big time. The city was so much better than I expected and made a ideal destination in Czech Republic that is still not discovered by many.

Jihlava can also make a perfect base to discover Vysocina region as from here you’re just a stone’s throw away from three UNESCO sites: Telc, Trebic and Zdiar nad Sazavou.

Czech Republic is so much more than Prague, you only need to go a little bit off the beaten path and you will be enchanted as much as I was!

Jihlava Czech Republic

What was the overlooked yet interesting place you’ve visited recently? Do you like traveling off the path? Would you like to visit Jihlava?

Further reading

I published many articles about the Czech Republic that you might find useful when planning your trip there. Here are some of them:

If you are looking for articles about a specific destination – check out the map with all the articles I’ve published (and their locations). You can also join my Facebook group about traveling in Central Europe and ask your questions there.


Jihlava, Czech Republic

Disclaimer: My trip was in partnership with Czech Tourism but as always all opinions are 100% mine.

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    Hanis Amanina
    02/12/2016 at 08:33

    I’m studying in Czech but I haven’t been to Jihlava before. It looks worth to try :D

    • Reply
      03/12/2016 at 21:08

      It definitely is worth a trip!

  • Reply
    Sądecki Włóczykij
    05/12/2016 at 10:08

    Even during rainy weather it looks cozy and with specific atmosphere :) And trolleys!

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 09:48

      It really was cozy! And yes, trolleys!! I was so in love!

  • Reply
    05/12/2016 at 10:16

    I have never heard about this place and this is great about what you do – you show hidden gems! Well done!

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 09:48

      Thank you!

  • Reply
    TropiMy Przygody
    05/12/2016 at 10:33

    Oh wow, honestly speaking I wasn’t really aware of such town as Jihlava even though I was born and raised close to Czech border. New ‘must see’ place on my list ;)

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 09:49

      Definitely! Next time you are around pay Jihlava a visit!

  • Reply
    Agnieszka Ptaszyńska
    05/12/2016 at 11:11

    Thanks for the tip about king Charles! I love thematic tours and this one looks really interesting!

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 09:50

      It was! I was really surprised how interesting Charles life was and got really into this tour!

  • Reply
    05/12/2016 at 12:26

    Lubię takie małe klimatyczne mieściny. :D i w ogóle spoko, że właśnie takie miejsca pokazujesz, a nie tylko same pragi i inne takie. ;)

    ps. zawsze się zastanawiam – jak wpis jest po angielsku, można komentować też po polsku? ;-p

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 10:02

      Dzięki :)

      a komentować można jak komu wygodniej, nawet w językach których nie znam miałam komentarze ;)

  • Reply
    05/12/2016 at 20:07

    If I travel to Czech Republic I might visit this place as well but I am not sure if I would go especially for it. Don’t get me wrong – it looks beautiful, but somehow I cannot see anything special there. Still it is a lovely town for sure.

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 10:07

      no worries, I don’t think I’d go for it only too. It was just a stop before Telc and Trebic, a surprisingly nice one. I’m glad I visited as I didn’t expect such a nice city

  • Reply
    06/12/2016 at 11:12

    Hmm ja także uwielbiam Czechy i rzeczywiście Czechy to zdecydowanie nie tylko Praga, a może i przede wszystkim piękne malutkie miasteczka, a także fantastyczna czeska kolej, czeskie knajpy dworcowe i klimat Czech

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 10:11

      oj tak, zgadzam się! Szczególnie te knajpy – trochę w szoku byłam jak je odkryłam, a teraz uwielbiam! Od czeskich kolei to naprawde wiele możemy się nauczyć…

      • Reply
        08/12/2016 at 11:12

        Uwielbiam je tak jak całą czeską kolej – szkoda że u nas tak nie dbamy o kolej, zwłaszcza lokalną jak tam. Trochę szok przeżyłem kilka lat temu wchodząc pierwszy raz do takiej pełnej dymu knajpki…ale teraz je uwielbiam, a czasem można trafić na fantastyczne jedzenie:)

        • Reply
          12/12/2016 at 22:58

          otóż to! pamiętam jak rok temu nie mogłam znaleźc w sobotę po południu nic sensownego w Ołomuńcu i knajpa dworcowa była zbawieniem! smacznie, cenowo przyzwoicie i blisko pociągów :)

  • Reply
    06/12/2016 at 22:01

    I wonder how it is possible that Czech Republic has so many beautiful towns and villages? This is a great example!

    • Reply
      08/12/2016 at 10:15

      I really have no idea but every time I’m there I’m really impressed!

  • Reply
    enrico bonaiti
    21/02/2018 at 17:39

    Dear Kami, I enjoyed your note! I’ve been several times in Jihlava, a place full of history and art. Just one note concerning the horrible, ugly Communist building insisting on the main square. Instead of this, there was the socalled “Špáliček”, a group of wonderful, Renaissance houses bearing inside a small square. During one night, around the late 60’s, the regime had the brilliant idea to destroy it and this is the result: a wonderful square lost its perfect harmony. I don’t know why the municipality doesn’t remove the ugly building… let’s hope, in the near future! Best regards from Italy! Enrico

    • Reply
      29/03/2018 at 20:57

      Thank you for your comment and for telling me about what happened with the main square in Jihlava, I had no idea! Too bad the houses were destroyed, I’m sure they would fit perfectly there!

      • Reply
        Chris Habegger
        17/09/2019 at 15:44

        Very interesting reading. I discovered Jihlava because of its local ice hockey club HC DUKLA JIHLAVA back in 1982. They played here often in Switzerland and internationally on the highest level. Back in the 60s – 80s they were nearly unbeatable. They could easily beat the Soviets or Canadians. Dukla was an army club. I can’t believe nobody knew about about it. But of course, as I tell them every year: their marketing is bad. I mean you were in November there, ice hockey season and you can’t even see an ad somewhere. I travel to Jihlava since 1986 and can tell the difference between then and now. The city has much to offer but you need to ask locals of what’s going on. But it IS really a party town on Friday/Saturday if you know where to go. Also unbelievable that none of these comments here tell us, that Jihlava was solely german speaking until 1918. This led to big problems not only during WW II. Most of the german speaking people living there were deported to Austria and Germany after WW II. You can still see old crosses along the street whilst driving to Telc. These indicate places, where people died. They could only take about 50kg of their belongings and had to go by foot. Thank god this period is over. Thank you Kami for visiting Jihlava! Greatly appreciated.

    • Reply
      18/04/2024 at 01:07

      Re: The square ugly building is staying, as it would be too costly to get rid of.
      The only blocker I know of Jihlava had to be on UNESCO when it was considered.

      To be honest, I don’t think the locals (incl. me) want to keep it anymore.
      Since there is the shopping gallery Citypark, and public transport around there is really no need for it.

  • Reply
    Chris Habegger
    17/09/2019 at 15:32

    Well, it wasn’t called Spalicek but KRECL and as you say in the 60s the city had no money to preserve these 3 houses from the 12th century. What resulted was the dept store PRIOR, which was opened in 1983. However, there was a lot more things in Jihlava that got destroyed. For example the jewish synagoge. Also there were 5 towers like Matky Bozi, but only one survived. As for removing the ugly Prior: it cost so much and you need to give the dept. store Prior an adequate replacement. Not so easy.

    • Reply
      04/10/2019 at 21:31

      Thank you for your comments and for sharing your story and knowledge of Jihlava! I really appreciate it!

  • Reply
    22/02/2020 at 22:40

    Hi, I am from Jihlava
    What to do in Jihlava?
    For example:
    – visiting Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (last week of October every year. Last year visited festival about 40,000 visitors from over 80 countries, the festival presented 327 films in eight screening halls)
    – visiting ZOO Jihlava about 250 species of exotic animals (last year visited zoo 340.000 visitors)
    – to visit or go Jihlavská 24 MTB race through historical center (this year is confirmed European Championship 2020 by international organizaton WEMBO)
    -visiting catacombs – mentioned above by KAMI (BTW thanks to visit & write about my hometown)

    But yes, I admit there are not so many important culture or sport events that foreigners might expect. This town is not so big and rich as Prague or Brno.

    • Reply
      05/05/2020 at 07:24

      Thank you for your comment, Honza, and for adding this information!

  • Reply
    26/06/2020 at 13:45

    I read your article about Jihlava and it got on my buckrt list. And when I went on vacation to Brno, I went to Jihlava. Very nice city with lots of beautifull buildings. And actualy, I am writing this comment while drinking wiena coffee at Masaryk square. So, yes, I am right here now.
    One of many beautifull cities in Czechia.

    • Reply
      20/07/2020 at 08:21

      I’m glad you enjoyed it too!

  • Reply
    18/04/2024 at 01:02


    Local from Jihlava.
    That lived elsewhere then there, then elsewhere, then back there.
    Stumbled on the article looking for specific photos.

    Jihlava alone for a visit if you are around in the region is nice. However I’d always couple it together with other things in the entire Vysočina (aka the highlands) region for a few day (or few week) trip, though depending of the type of person you are there are quite a few things to do around. Early fall is also lovely if you like that weather. Not minding the IDFF – International Documentary Film Festival at the end of October.

    If you go for few weeks, add Jihomoravský (aka South Moravian) region and other personally handpicked places around the country. It’s really worth it.

    Recommend visiting the ZOO, which is one of the best in the country. There is also underground tunnels tour – normal circuit or extended. Underground tunnels are nothing fancy, but it is a nice break from the heat if you visit in summer. There are also churches (cool places in summer, and if you are up for the architecture, just keep respectful and quiet), and some towers (not always open).

    Jihlava was built on hilltop that was easy to defend and there are a lot of elevation changes throughout the municipality. This almost always results in interesting development (if you want a rule to find interesting semi-urban areas and places to visit).

    For the ZOO visit pick days and/or times when most people would not visit, else there’s quite a few people. I personally love early early mornings and late evenings on working days (Mon to Thu). Though some animals won’t be out, some won’t be out in the mid-day heat either).

    Transport – continuously improving city (and some nearby villages and in between!) public transport. While the times get sparse on some routes, the routes themselves keep getting better and better.
    You can also rent bikes with a simple phone app (or if you wish even app-less via a call – that’s more more complicated though), and short short rides (15 min?) are free (sponsored by city). The bikes are basic ones, the parking network is pretty good though.

    Fun fact, the only reason it was not UNESCO listed, is the big cube communist building in the middle of Masaryk Square. It would have been too costly to get rid of, so it stays.

    Either way, back to my activity.

    Enjoy, and have fun around!

    • Reply
      22/04/2024 at 19:32

      Thank you so much for your great comment and input, I really appreciate it! All the best!

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