
Beautiful Bergamo, Italy in pictures

Last Updated on 27/12/2023 by kami

Bergamo is often overlooked by tourist who arrive to Italy with low cost airlines and head straight to Milan. Big, big mistake! The city is the prettiest, with cobbled streets and beautiful architecture of the upper and lower town and this typical Italian vibe that is enjoyed by so many people (including me). After seeing some Bergamo pictures I put the city on my Italy Bucket List. I’ve been hoping to visit it for such a long time but flight schedule never was on my side. Finally, at the beginning of the year I found really cheap tickets at perfect time and 2 weeks later I headed to Bergamo for 24 hours!

The first moments in the city weren’t the best. It was raining cats and dogs and very quickly I was all wet. Fortunately the only thing I had to do was getting to my accommodation so it wasn’t that bad after all. The next morning wasn’t much better, the weather was grey and gloomy but at least it wasn’t raining that heavily, only pouring now and then (after all travelling in January is a little bit tricky). But I was so ready to see what Bergamo has to offer!

My main point of interest was the Upper Town as that’s where the whole magic of Bergamo is. But before I got there I walked around the lower part of the city to see what it is about. It was a regular Thursday morning, people were enjoying their coffee or heading to their duties and I felt like I’m the only tourist there. Eventually I reached the funicular, one of the most distinctive things about Bergamo, that took me to the Upper Town. It really was as incredible as I expected! Narrow cobbled streets, old-fashioned shops and restaurants, old houses and piazzas… It was so enchanting and felt like the time has stopped there years ago.

After grabbing some pizza (one of the reasons why I went to Italy anyway) I caught another funicular to go even higher, to San Vigilio. The view from there was just spectacular! The Upper Town, the surrounding mountains, the residential areas… everything was perfectly seen from there! I was just staring spellbound at the landscape, trying to take it all in, to remember every detail of what’s in front of me. It was just perfect and the gloomy weather actually added up to the atmosphere and look of the place!

I came back to the Upper Town but taking the longer way around. I just couldn’t get enough of this place! No matter where I look, from which angle I admired the view of the Upper Town’s roofs and towers and the surrounding landscape, it took my breath away! I dare to say Bergamo is one of the most picturesque cities in Italy! Unfortunately the weather got worse so after a quick walk around I hid in the charming cafe to warm up a little before I explore some more. And it was the wisest decision as soon the day got much better.

Since I’m a huge fan of looking at the city from the above and I still wasn’t bored of the views that Bergamo had to offer I went up the Campanone, the tower dating back to the 13th century. 3€ and 30 seconds later I was at the top, with my jaw dropped down! The view was the best of all I’ve seen on that day! Red rooftops, hidden courtyards and rolling hills hidden in clouds made me fall in love with the place, big time.

It was slowly getting dark so before heading to the airport I quickly came back to San Vigilio to take last glance at the view. The sky was pink, the silence around was trembling in my ears and, the city below turned on the lights. I was saying good bye to the place that stole my heart so quickly, the one I know I will keep returning to, just to be there and enjoy it slow pace and enchanting look.

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If you head to north Italy via Bergamo make yourself a favor and spend at least a day there. It is totally worth it and I’m sure you’ll love the city as much as I did! Just take a look how pretty it is!

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy

Would you like to visit Bergamo? What is your favourite thing about Italy?

Are you looking for a place to stay in Bergamo? Look no further! Book your accommodation in Bergamo here!


bergamo pin (1)       bergamo pin (2)

If you think of visiting Italy or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it!

love, kami 2

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  • Reply
    08/02/2015 at 19:18

    Przepiękne zdjęcia :) Nie myślałem, że w Bergamo tak ładnie.

    • Reply
      08/02/2015 at 23:22

      dzięki! Prześliczne to miasto! Spokojnie mogłabym tam jeszcze posiedieć dzień czy dwa i też by mi się nie znudziło! Jak dla mnie to o wiele lepsze niż Mediolan!

  • Reply
    08/02/2015 at 19:52

    Bergamo rzeczywiście jest bardzo klimatyczne. Z tego co widzę także po deszczu? I można w nim zrobić wiele pięknych zdjęć.

    • Reply
      08/02/2015 at 23:23

      Tak, i w i po deszczu daje radę! :) a zdjęciowo jest wręcz idealne, te wszystkie widoki, uliczki i zaułki są fantastyczne!

  • Reply
    Agnieszka Ptaszyńska
    08/02/2015 at 19:03

    no to popatrzę jak padało ;)

  • Reply
    Kto podróżuje ten żyje dwa razy
    08/02/2015 at 19:10

    Piękne zdjęcia :)

  • Reply
    08/02/2015 at 21:56

    Powrót do przeszłości :) byłam w Bergamo ze 2 lata temu, patrząc na Twoje zdjęcia przeniosłam się pamięcią do tych wąskich uliczek i aż się rozmarzyłam :)

    Pozdrawiam :))

    • Reply
      08/02/2015 at 23:29

      Dzięki za linka! Bardzo fajne zdjęcia, Bergamo jest tak bardzo przeurocze!!

  • Reply
    08/02/2015 at 23:07

    Cudne przypomnienie Bergamo. Byłam raz i tylko przez jeden wieczór, już wtedy pomyślałam sobie, że mogłam miejsce docelowe podróży odłożyć o jeden dzień i lepiej poznać Bergamo. Teraz jestem pewna, że muszę nadrobić ten temat i zajrzeć tam ponownie. Bardzo fajne zdjęcia. Aż chce się ruszyć przed siebie i zwiedzać :)

    • Reply
      08/02/2015 at 23:31

      Dzięki! Zdecydowanie powinnaś nadrobić przy najbliższej okazji! Niby tylko jeden dzień byłam, a czułam jakby mi czasu zabrakło i spokojnie mogłabym tam jeszcze ze dwa kolejne posiedzieć i ponapawać się spokojem i klimatem tego miejsca. Pal licho Mediolan, Bergamo jest o wiele lepsze!

  • Reply
    antonette - we12travel
    09/02/2015 at 07:21

    Isn’t it funny how some places in Europe have developed as known for being Ryanair (or any lowcost airline) city rather than a tourist attraction? I only knew Bergamo indeed because of the cheap flights but never gave it an idea to visit. Next week my sister and I are off to Naples, to eat pizza and explore the urban outdoors. We’ll see what it’ll bring :-)

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:11

      Naples is pretty amazing too, I’m sure you will / did enjoy it! And Bergamo is pretty stunning, when you have a chance you should fly there, just for the city itself! :)

      • Reply
        23/10/2019 at 01:51

        Yes. I highly recommend Bergamo. Fell in love with it back in the early 80s. My youngest daughter loves it there also. Has spent parts of the last two summers there. It really is a magical city. Notice you took a pic of the citta’ alta birreria. We were shocked back in the early 80s that a place would be named a birreria and that the drafts would be so large. We enjoyed it though.

        • Reply
          06/11/2019 at 22:48

          I’m glad you enjoyed Bergamo too! It is such a gem. I personally prefer it over much more popular Milan!

  • Reply
    09/02/2015 at 10:57

    Looks like a wonderful city! Gorgeous photos. We are heading to Italy next month and can’t wait–we won’t be stopping in Bergamo, but I think I’ll have to add it to the list for our next visit!

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:11

      Thanks! Italy is always a good options! Where are you going to? :)

  • Reply
    Magdalena Czatrowska
    09/02/2015 at 10:00

    hm, wygląda na to, że nawet w deszczową pogodę daje radę, wygląda bardzo klimatycznie!

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:12

      oj bardzo! ten deszcz uroku dodawał! :)

  • Reply
    Kamila Kowalewska
    09/02/2015 at 10:32

    i jak zwykle wypatrzyłaś jakiś street art, super! :)

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:13

      a jak! ;)

  • Reply
    09/02/2015 at 13:17

    Bardzo ładne.

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:13

      potwierdzam! :)

  • Reply
    Sammi Wanderlustin'
    09/02/2015 at 15:11

    Beautiful photo’s, Kami :) It sounds gorgeous. I’ve not gotten to Italy, yet.

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:17

      Thank you! fingers crossed you will get there soon, it’s pretty amazing!

  • Reply
    Szymon Podróżnik
    09/02/2015 at 22:08

    Świetne zdjęcia, aż mi się zachciało tam pojechać ;)

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:18

      dzięki :) wyłap promocję i jedź na jeden dzień jak ja ;)

  • Reply
    09/02/2015 at 23:04

    I don’t know… on a rainy, cloudy day the town looks somehow very sad to me.

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:19

      no, it wasn’t! but it was mysterious in a way…

  • Reply
    10/02/2015 at 00:11

    Szczerze- nie miałam pojęcia, że tak wygląda Bergamo. Dostałam cynk, że ładne i nie warte traktowania tylko jako hub przesiadkowy, ale może przez to, że dziennie po kilka razy słyszałam “mediolan bergamo”, aż w końcu się oklepało i nawet nie trudziłam się, żeby zerknąć na miejscówkę. A widzę, że warto sobie zrobić tam dłuższy stopover!

    • Reply
      18/02/2015 at 16:19

      warto warto! Ja nawet bardziej niż Mediolan polubiłam to Bergamo, takie urocze i przytulne, a do tego przepiękne!

  • Reply
    Tam Gamble
    10/02/2015 at 13:26

    I love this area of Italy, in fact I prefer it to Milan. The history and the tiny streets appeal to me over the big shopping arcades in Milan.

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:11

      exactly!!! I’m not a big fan of Milan to be honest yet Bergamo charmed me big time and I’d like to go back to wander around some more and just enjoy the slow life there!

  • Reply
    10/02/2015 at 15:16

    Wow, the views over the hills are stunning! I haven’t been to this region of Italy, but I love all the little streets!

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:15

      It was incredible, I didn’t expect it to be that pretty! You definitely should visit north of Italy when you have a chance, it’s stunning!

  • Reply
    10/02/2015 at 15:19

    So beautiful. I love all the various alleyway photos – so charming and pretty! I also really like that hand print photo, it’s super unique!

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:17

      Thanks! There were these handprints in couple of places all over the town, I really liked it too :)

  • Reply
    10/02/2015 at 16:01

    Zwykle słoneczne, a tym razem zadumane i chmurne. I tak miejsce jest pięne i z przyjemnością tam powracam ilekroć ląduję w Bergamo i mam okazję wypożyczyć samochód.

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:42

      ta pogoda zdecydowanie dodała uroku Bergamo! I nie dziwię się, że z chęcią tam powracasz – też mam ochotę znów tam zawitać! przepiękne miasto!

  • Reply
    Hayley Swinson
    10/02/2015 at 19:14

    What incredible photos of this city I’ve never even heard of before now! The architecture actually reminds me a little bit of Salzburg, Austria. The views from the top of the city are especially breathtaking! And I love the ones of the mountains in the background.

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:43

      Thank you! I didn’t think of Salzburg but actually you’re right, it does look similar in a way! :)

  • Reply
    Marcin Wesołowski
    10/02/2015 at 18:35

    Oj, Ty wiesz, jak ja lubię to miasto! Świetne Ci zdjęcia wyszły, nawet pomimo pogody!

  • Reply
    10/02/2015 at 22:10

    Lubię miasta z wąskimi uliczkami.
    Rewelacyjne zdjęcia


    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:43


  • Reply
    11/02/2015 at 21:28

    I absolutely LOVE small towns! Thanks for introducing me to one I’ve never heard of; I sure do love Italy, so I’ll be sure to put Bergamo on my list! That’s exactly how I travel; I fly into the big city, then get out as quickly as possible and escape to the outlying towns and villages. Hello small alleys and cobblestone streets- my favorite!

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:46

      Then I’m sure you will love Bergamo, it’s incredible!! When you’re in Italy be sure to include it in your itinerary! Such a small gem it is!!

  • Reply
    John Cutler
    12/02/2015 at 06:43

    Bergamo, Italy seems like an amazing place and you took some of the most spectacular photographs I’ve ever seen. Your blog is superb and I’m inspired every time I visit it.

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 21:47

      Thank you!

  • Reply
    13/02/2015 at 23:07

    Another beautiful Italian city that I still have to visit, I should have finished discovering my own country before travelling everywhere else :)

    Stunning photos Kami!

    • Reply
      25/02/2015 at 22:47

      it’s always like that, we set off to see the world but we don’t know all best spots in our countries. And especially that both Italy and Poland are pretty huge! but if you’re around make sure to stop by in Bergamo, it’s pretty lovely!

  • Reply
    Francesca (@WorkMomTravels)
    27/02/2015 at 16:56

    I am in love with your photos!! Beautiful!

    • Reply
      06/03/2015 at 22:07

      Thank you Francesca!

  • Reply
    Marissa Tejada
    21/10/2015 at 20:59

    Nice post and pics! I just returned from Bergamo. I was awed by its beauty. Like your experience, mine was bit rainy too but it didn’t matter — it was super picturesque anyway. The surrounding areas and villages were a delight to explore as well ( Lovere,Clusone, Lake Iseo).

    • Reply
      15/11/2015 at 17:31

      I’m glad you enjoyed Bergamo too! It’s such a stunning place, isn’t it? And so underrated! Unfortunately I didn’t have time to visit the surroundings too, looks like I have to come back there :)

  • Reply
    28/04/2016 at 20:33

    Once in Bergamo, do not forget to visit Lake Endine, just 18 km away… A little hidden gem…

    • Reply
      29/04/2016 at 21:58

      I’ve never heard of it before, thank you!!

  • Reply
    22/10/2016 at 20:07

    Thank You for Your Post. It is v nice to read about the travel experience in so an inspired and inspiriting manner. I worked for some time, so did not have a possibility to go on vacation. but recently I booked the tickets for November and go to Bergamo. I’ve heard it’s one of the most beautiful medieval cities in Europe. I am looking forward for seeing the place…)))

    • Reply
      24/10/2016 at 22:15

      Thank you! I’m glad to read you’re going to Bergamo. It really is as beautiful as you’ve heard, you won’t be disappointed!

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